

Shell: applications with pluggable middleware

Shell brings a Connect inspired API, Express inspired routing, and other similar functionality to console based applications.


Shell is open source and licensed under the new BSD license.

npm install shell

Quick start

The example below illustrate how to code a simple Redis client.

var shell = require('shell');
// Initialization
var app = new shell( { chdir: __dirname } )
// Middleware registration
app.configure(function() {
  app.use(function(req, res, next){
    app.client = require('redis').createClient()
    shell: app
    shell: app
    config: 'redis.conf',
    pidfile: 'redis.pid'
    shell: app
    shell: app,
    introduction: true
// Command registration
app.cmd('redis keys :pattern', 'Find keys', function(req, res, next){
  app.client.keys(req.params.pattern, function(err, keys){
    if(err){ return res.styles.red(err.message), next(); }
    res.cyan(keys.join('\n')||'no keys');
// Event notification
app.on('quit', function(){

Creating and Configuring a Shell

var app = shell();
app.configure(function() {
  app.use(shell.history({shell: app}));
  app.use(shell.completer({shell: app}));
  app.use(shell.help({shell: app, introduction: true}));
app.configure('prod', function() {
  app.set('title', 'Production Mode');

Shell settings

The constructor shell takes an optional object. Options are:

Shell settings may be set by calling app.set('key', value). They can be retrieved by calling the same function without a second argument.

var app = new shell({
  chdir: true
app.set('env', 'prod');
app.configure('prod', function() {

As with Express, app.configure allows the customization of plugins for all or specific environments, while app.use registers plugins.

If app.configure is called without specifying the environment as the first argument, the provided callback is always called. Otherwise, the environment must match the env setting or the global variable NODE_ENV.

Middlewares and plugins

Shell is build on a middleware architecture. When a command is issued, multiple callbacks are executed sequentially until one decide to stop the process (calling res.prompt() or shell.quit. Those callbacks are called middlewares. A callback recieves 3 arguments: a request object, a response object and the next callback. Traditionnaly, request deals with stdin while response deals with stdout.

A plugin is simply a function which configure and return a middleware. Same plugin also enrich the Shell application with new routes and functions.

Shell events

The following events may be emitted:

Request parameter

The request object contains the following properties:

Response parameter

The response object inherits from styles containing methods for printing, coloring and bolding:




Router plugin

The functionality provided by the 'routes' module is very similar to that of express. Options passed during creation are:

New routes are defined with the cmd method. A route is made of pattern against which the user command is matched, an optional description and one or more route specific middlewares to handle the command. The pattern is either a string or a regular expression. Middlewares receive three parameters: a request object, a response object, and a function. Command parameters are substituted and made available in the params object of the request parameter.

Parameters can have restrictions in parenthesis immediately following the keyword, as in express: :id([0-9]+). See the list route in the example:

var app = new shell();
    shell: app

// Route middleware
var auth = function(req, res, next){
  if(req.params.uid == process.getuid()){
    throw new Error('Not me');

// Global parameter substitution
app.param('uid', function(req, res, next){
  exec('whoami', function(err, stdout, sdterr){
    req.params.username = stdout;

// Simple command
app.cmd('help', function(req, res){
  res.cyan('Run this command `./ami user ' + process.getuid() + '`');

// Command with parameter
app.cmd('user :uid', auth, function(req, res){
  res.cyan('Yes, you are ' + req.params.username);

// Command with contrained parameter
app.cmd('user :id([0-9]+)', function(req, res) {
  res.cyan('User id is ' + req.params.id);
