

Towards Accurate Alignment in Real-time 3D Hand-Mesh Reconstruction


This is official PyTorch implementation of Towards Accurate Alignment in Real-time 3D Hand-Mesh Reconstruction (ICCV 2021).


  1. pip install -r reqirements.txt ⚠️ If your vispy is > 0.5.3, the code may not work.
  2. Replace two files from the official vispy library with my codes in the vispy folder: vispy/io/mesh.py and vispy/io/waverfront.py. These two codes are for reading obj and mtl files.
  3. Download MANO_RIGHT.pkl from here and put it in common/utils/manopth/mano/models.
  4. Download the FreiHAND dataset and the COCO format of FreiHAND dataset and root/bounding box prediction from I2L-MeshNet. Put them in the right palace stated by data/FreiHAND/FreiHAND.py.
  5. Download the pre-trained weights from here. Put it in the weights folder.



I implement a opencv-based visualization program to overlap the reconstructed hand mesh over the user's hand in the image space. Just simply run python mesh_demo.py in the test_video folder.

⚠️ This program is only tested on Windows 10. I am not sure if it works on other operating systems.

The program is easy to be modified to capture camera images.

Dataset Testing

To test the performance on the FreiHAND dataset, run

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 test.py --gpu 0 --stage lixel --test_epoch 24

And you will find the prediction result in json format in output/result.

Network Training

To release


The code of this work is heavily borrowed from I2L-MeshNet and manopth. Please also refer to these amazing works.


  title={Towards Accurate Alignment in Real-time 3D Hand-Mesh Reconstruction},
  author={Tang, Xiao and Wang, Tianyu and Fu, Chi-Wing},
  booktitle={International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},