


A simple command line app to interact with BetterDisplay.

BetterDisplay must be running and configured to accept CLI commands (this is the default setting).

Installation and usage


Automated installation via Homebrew

  1. Enter brew install waydabber/betterdisplay/betterdisplaycli

Manual installation

  1. Download source package git clone https://github.com/waydabber/betterdisplaycli
  2. Enter the downloaded folder: cd ./betterdisplaycli
  3. Enter sudo make install. This will compile the app and install it under /usr/local/bin.

... or instead of the last step you can continue like this:

  1. Compile by entering: swiftc betterdisplaycli.swift
  2. Move the compiled betterdisplaycli binary to a location where it's easily available in $PATH.


  1. Make sure BetterDisplay 2.2.x and newer is running and is configured to accept CLI/notification requests.
  2. Run betterdisplaycli for help.
  3. Try betterdisplaycli set --brightness=80% to set the brightness level of all displays to 80% (note: you can use both single and double hyphen style for parameters).

[!NOTE] You can use the installed app itself to send CLI commands as well - the following prints help:

/Applications/BetterDisplay.app/Contents/MacOS/BetterDisplay help

CLI and integration documentation

More info and other integration options:

This app also serves as a demonstration of how to integrate your app with BetterDisplay using notification dispatch.