


Inspired by base-emoji this module allows for transformation of any binary data to and from emoji using only 64 different emojicons (+1 for padding).


Build status js-standard-style abstract-encoding


npm install base64-emoji


var emoji = require('base64-emoji')

var encoded = emoji.encode('Hello World')
var decoded = emoji.decode(encoded)

console.log(encoded.toString()) // => 🍕📙🕡🌵🎎📙🚢😮🕡🐗🏦🕤🎎📙🕖📫
console.log(decoded.toString()) // => Hello World


buffer = emoji.encode(buffer|string, [buffer], [offset])

The encode function takes a buffer or a string and returns a buffer containing the encoded bytes. The optional 2nd buffer argument will be used to store the encoded result. If not provided a new buffer will be allocated. If an offset is passed as the 3rd argument the input will be encoded into the buffer at that byte offset. The offset defauls to 0.

buffer = emoji.decode(buffer|string, [offset], [length])

The decode function takes a buffer or a string and returns a buffer containing the decoded bytes. If an offset is passed as the 2nd argumetn, the input will be decoded from that byte offset. Tye byte offset defaults to 0. A length can be passed as the 3rd argument specifying the number of bytes that should be decoded. The length defaults to the input byte length.

length = emoji.encodingLength(buffer|string)

Returns the amount of bytes needed to encode the buffer or string given as input.
