

Compact Log Format Viewer :mag: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

A cross platform tool to read & query JSON aka CLEF log files created by Serilog

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warrenbuckley/Compact-Log-Format-Viewer/master/LogViewer.Client/build/logo.png?v=2" width="100" height="100">



Releases are available on this GitHub Repository along on the Windows Store


<a href='https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9N8RV8LKTXRJ?cid=storebadge&ocid=badge'><img src='English_get-it-from-MS_InvariantCulture_Default.png' alt='English badge' style='height: 38px;' height="38" /></a>


The metrics for the MacOS usage was too little & I don't currently build/release any other Apple apps, so my Apple Developer subscription lapsed. I assumed the application would still be available to download but that I would not be able to push any new updates. However it seems Apple just removes the listing :(

For now I recommend you build it manually. In future I may do auto-updates via GitHub releases instead of app stores.


You will need the following installed:

For OSX & Windows you can download the SDK here or install Visual Studio for Mac/Windows which includes the dotnet CLI tool<br/> https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download<br/> https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/

Build Steps 🔨📐

Note: If you npm run start before you have compiled the TypeScript files then Electron will complain about not finding the entry point file. Additionally if you have also not run dotnet publish then the underlying WebAPI which we communicate with will not be running.

3rd Party Libraries 💖💖

This package uses the following libraries: