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Terraform ECS Fargate

A module used for provisioning web or api application stacks on AWS ECS Fargate. The majority of the module has been adapted from this template.



This will spin up a new ECS cluster and fargate service running a simple default container image.

module "fargate" {
  source = "git@github.com:warnermedia/terraform-ecs-fargate-module/?ref=v4.3.0"

  app                   = "mywebsite"
  environment           = "main"
  tags                  = var.tags
  container_port        = 8000
  vpc                   = "vpc-a1b2c3der"
  create_public_ip      = true
  load_balancer_subnets = ["subnet-0ba9...","subnet-abcde"]
  fargate_subnets       = ["subnet-9ba0...","subnet-edcba"]

  health_check = "/"

Usage and link to base

It is recommended that you store your terraform state in a safe location. If the create_cicd_user variable is enabled, the state file will contain your aws key id and secret. The easiest method would be to use S3 state.

If you would like a ready to use template for this module, it's state bucket as well as CICD templates. Check out fargate-create


<a name="input_app"></a> appThe application's namestringn/ayes
<a name="input_container_port"></a> container_portThe port the container will listen on, used for load balancer health check Best practice is that this value is higher than 1024 so the container processes isn't running at root.stringn/ayes
<a name="input_environment"></a> environmentThe environment that is being builtstringn/ayes
<a name="input_fargate_subnets"></a> fargate_subnetsThese are the subnet ids that the containers will uselist(any)n/ayes
<a name="input_load_balancer_subnets"></a> load_balancer_subnetsThese are the subnet ids that the load balancer will uselist(any)n/ayes
<a name="input_tags"></a> tagsTags for the infrastructuremap(string)n/ayes
<a name="input_vpc"></a> vpcThe VPC to use for the Fargate clusteranyn/ayes
<a name="input_certificate_arn"></a> certificate_arnThe ARN for the SSL certificate, if this is not blank it will use it instead of requesting a dns validated ACM certificatestring""no
<a name="input_container_definitions"></a> container_definitionsThis is the json formatted container definition for the task. By default, a definition with the indicated container image and cloudwatch logging will be provided. Setting this will override the defaults allowing configuration like environment variables to be set. We recommend using this module to help build the json rather than doing it in a large string: https://registry.terraform.io/modules/cloudposse/ecs-container-definition/aws/lateststring""no
<a name="input_container_image"></a> container_imageThe default docker image to deploy with the infrastructure. Note that you can use the fargate CLI for application concerns like deploying actual application images and environment variables on top of the infrastructure provisioned by this template https://github.com/turnerlabs/fargate note that the source for the turner default backend image is here: https://github.com/turnerlabs/turner-defaultbackendstring"ghcr.io/warnermedia/fargate-default-backend:v0.9.0"no
<a name="input_container_name"></a> container_nameThe name of the container to runstring"app"no
<a name="input_cpu_architecture"></a> cpu_architectureThe CPU Architecture X86_64 or ARM64 for Graviton, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_definition_parameters.html#runtime-platformstring"X86_64"no
<a name="input_cpu_units"></a> cpu_unitsSee https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_definition_parameters.html#task_sizenumber256no
<a name="input_create_cicd_user"></a> create_cicd_userShould the module create an iam user with permissions tuned for cicd (cicf.tf)boolfalseno
<a name="input_create_ecs_dashboard"></a> create_ecs_dashboardLog the ECS events happening in fargate and create a cloudwatch dashboard that shows these messagesboolfalseno
<a name="input_create_performance_dashboard"></a> create_performance_dashboardCreate a cloudwatch dashboard containing popular performance metrics about fargatebooltrueno
<a name="input_create_public_ip"></a> create_public_ipWhether the load balancer is available on the public internet. The containers will always get subnet ips.boolfalseno
<a name="input_custom_default_alb_cidr_blocks"></a> custom_default_alb_cidr_blocksThis is the default list of cidr blocks that will be allowed to access the ALB on http and/or httpslist(string)<pre>[<br> ""<br>]</pre>no
<a name="input_default_ecr"></a> default_ecrThe name of the elastic container registry in this account that the CICD user will be given write permissionstring""no
<a name="input_deployment_maximum_percent"></a> deployment_maximum_percentThe upper limit on the number of tasks allowed running or pending. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_DeploymentConfiguration.htmlnumbernullno
<a name="input_deployment_minimum_healthy_percent"></a> deployment_minimum_healthy_percentThe lower limit on the number of your service's tasks that must remain in the RUNNING state during a deployment See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_DeploymentConfiguration.htmlnumbernullno
<a name="input_deregistration_delay"></a> deregistration_delayThe amount time for Elastic Load Balancing to wait before changing the state of a deregistering target from draining to unusedstring"30"no
<a name="input_do_https_redirect"></a> do_https_redirectShould the service do http to https redirects, or just standard http hosting? This is done via alb rules https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/elb-redirect-http-to-https-using-alb/boolfalseno
<a name="input_do_performance_autoscaling"></a> do_performance_autoscalingShould the fargate service scale up and down with cpu usageboolfalseno
<a name="input_domain"></a> domainThe domain for r53 registration, leave blank to indicate not using route53string""no
<a name="input_ecs_autoscale_max_instances"></a> ecs_autoscale_max_instancesThe maximum number of containers that should be running when scaling upnumber4no
<a name="input_ecs_autoscale_min_instances"></a> ecs_autoscale_min_instancesThe minimum number of containers that should be running. Must be at least 1. For production, consider using at least "2".number1no
<a name="input_ecs_cluster_name"></a> ecs_cluster_nameName of an existing ECS cluster, if left blank it will create one with the app and environment valuesstring""no
<a name="input_ecs_lambda_runtime"></a> ecs_lambda_runtimeThe lambda runtime for the ecs dashboard, provided here so that it is easy to update to the latest supportedstring"nodejs20.x"no
<a name="input_fixed_non_spot_count"></a> fixed_non_spot_countHow many tasks are required stay normal fargate (non-spot) instances despite the percentagesnumber1no
<a name="input_health_check"></a> health_checkThe path to the health check for the load balancer to know if the container(s) are readystring"/"no
<a name="input_health_check_interval"></a> health_check_intervalHow often to check the liveliness of the containerstring"30"no
<a name="input_health_check_matcher"></a> health_check_matcherWhat HTTP response code to listen forstring"200"no
<a name="input_health_check_timeout"></a> health_check_timeoutHow long to wait for the response on the health check pathstring"10"no
<a name="input_https_port"></a> https_portThe port to listen on for HTTPS (if it is enabled), always use 443string"443"no
<a name="input_lb_access_logs_expiration_days"></a> lb_access_logs_expiration_daysHow many days worth of load balancer logs to keep in s3string"3"no
<a name="input_lb_port"></a> lb_portThe port the standard http load balancer will listen onstring"80"no
<a name="input_lb_protocol"></a> lb_protocolThe load balancer protocolstring"HTTP"no
<a name="input_logs_retention_in_days"></a> logs_retention_in_daysSpecifies the number of days you want to retain log eventsnumber90no
<a name="input_memory_size"></a> memory_sizeSee https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_definition_parameters.html#task_sizenumber512no
<a name="input_operating_system_family"></a> operating_system_familyThe OS Family of the task, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_definition_parameters.html#runtime-platformstring"LINUX"no
<a name="input_platform_version"></a> platform_versionThe fargate platform version. These version numbers are different between linux and windows, make sure to use the correct value or leave it at LATEST: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/platform_versions.htmlstring"LATEST"no
<a name="input_replicas"></a> replicasHow many containers to runnumber1no
<a name="input_scaling_cpu_high_threshold"></a> scaling_cpu_high_thresholdIf the average CPU utilization over a minute rises to this threshold, the number of containers will be increased (but not above ecs_autoscale_max_instances).string"80"no
<a name="input_scaling_cpu_low_threshold"></a> scaling_cpu_low_thresholdIf the average CPU utilization over a minute drops to this threshold, the number of containers will be reduced (but not below ecs_autoscale_min_instances).string"20"no
<a name="input_secrets_manager"></a> secrets_managerindicates if a secrets managerboolfalseno
<a name="input_secrets_manager_recovery_window_in_days"></a> secrets_manager_recovery_window_in_daysNumber of days that secrets manager will wait before fully deleting a secret, set to 0 to delete immediately https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/secretsmanager_secret#recovery_window_in_daysnumber7no
<a name="input_secrets_users"></a> secrets_usersA list of users that will have full access to the secrets manager and its kms key, the current user applying the terraform will have access as well.list(any)[]no
<a name="input_spot_percentage"></a> spot_percentageThe percentage of tasks in the service that should run as spot instances. This also works for ARM/Graviton, but beware, some regions don't have any capacity or support for ARM spotnumber0no
<a name="input_ssl_policy"></a> ssl_policyThis is the policy that controls the specifics about TLS/SSL versions and supported ciphers. This default will only support TLS 1.2 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/application/create-https-listener.html#describe-ssl-policiesstring"ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-Ext-2018-06"no
<a name="input_volumes"></a> volumesThis allows for EFS volumes to be attached to your taskany[]no


<a name="output_alb_nsg_id"></a> alb_nsg_idThis is the network security group id (sg-blah) for the ALB. This could be useful if you needed to directly add new rules
<a name="output_cicd_keys"></a> cicd_keysA command to run that can extract the AWS keys for the CICD user to use in a build system (remove the \ in the select section
<a name="output_ecs_cluster_arn"></a> ecs_cluster_arnThe arn of the ecs cluster that was created or referenced
<a name="output_ecs_cluster_name"></a> ecs_cluster_nameThe name of the ecs cluster that was created or referenced
<a name="output_ecs_execution_role_arn"></a> ecs_execution_role_arnThe arn of the role used by ecs when starting the task
<a name="output_ecs_execution_role_name"></a> ecs_execution_role_nameThe name of the role used by ecs when starting the task
<a name="output_ecs_role_arn"></a> ecs_role_arnThe arn of the role assumed by the task at runtime
<a name="output_ecs_role_name"></a> ecs_role_nameThe name of the role assumed by the task at runtime
<a name="output_ecs_service_name"></a> ecs_service_nameThe arn of the fargate ecs service that was created
<a name="output_fqdn"></a> fqdnThe fully qualified domain name created if dns based ACM is enabled
<a name="output_lb_arn"></a> lb_arnThe arn of the load balancer
<a name="output_lb_dns"></a> lb_dnsThe load balancer DNS name
<a name="output_secret_arn"></a> secret_arnThe arn of the created secret manager (if enabled)
<a name="output_secret_id"></a> secret_idThe short name id of the created secret manager (if enabled)
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