


PhpDeprecationDetector - analyzer of PHP code to search usages of deprecated functionality in newer interpreter versions - deprecations detector.

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PhpDeprecationDetector detects:

It literally helps you find code that can fail after migration to newer PHP version.

  1. Installation
  2. Usage


Phar file

  1. Just download a phar from releases page and make executable
chmod +x phpdd-x.x.x.phar
  1. a. Local installation: use it from current folder:

    ./phpdd-x.x.x.phar -h

    b. Global installation: move it in to one of folders listed in your $PATH and run from any folder:

    sudo mv phpdd-x.x.x.phar /usr/local/bin/phpdd
    phpdd -h


Another way to install phpdd is via composer.

  1. Install composer:
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  1. Install phpdd in global composer dir:
./composer.phar global require wapmorgan/php-deprecation-detector dev-master
  1. Run from any folder:
phpdd -h


Console scanner

To scan your files or folder launch phpdd and pass file or directory names.

  Analyzes PHP code and searches issues with deprecated functionality in newer interpreter versions.

  scan [options] [--] <files>...

  files                                    Which files you want to analyze (separate multiple names with a space)?

  -t, --target[=TARGET]                    Sets target PHP interpreter version. [default: "8.0"]
  -a, --after[=AFTER]                      Sets initial PHP interpreter version for checks. [default: "5.3"]
  -e, --exclude[=EXCLUDE]                  Sets excluded file or directory names for scanning. If need to pass few names, join it with comma.
  -s, --max-size[=MAX-SIZE]                Sets max size of php file. If file is larger, it will be skipped. [default: "1mb"]
      --file-extensions[=FILE-EXTENSIONS]  Sets file extensions to be parsed. [default: "php, php5, phtml"]
      --skip-checks[=SKIP-CHECKS]          Skip all checks containing any of the given values. Pass a comma-separated list for multiple values.
      --output[=OUTPUT]                    The output type required. Options: stdout, json, junit. Defaults to stdout.
      --output-file[=OUTPUT-FILE]          File path to store results where output is not stdout.
  -h, --help                               Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the scan command
  -q, --quiet                              Do not output any message
  -V, --version                            Display this application version
      --ansi                               Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                            Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                     Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                     Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Example of usage

> ./bin/phpdd tests/
Max file size set to: 1.000 MiB
Folder /media/wapmorgan/Локальный диск/Документы/PhpDeprecationDetector/tests
- PHP 5.3 (3) - your version is greater or equal
| File:Line  | Type    | Issue                                                               |
| /5.3.php:2 | removed | Function dl() is removed.                                           |
| /5.3.php:3 | removed | Ini define_syslog_variables is removed.                             |
| /5.3.php:5 | changed | Function usage piet() (@call_with_passing_by_reference) is changed. |
|            |         | Call with passing by reference is deprecated. Problem is "&$hoho"   |

- PHP 5.4 (2) - your version is greater or equal
| File:Line  | Type    | Issue                                         |
| /5.4.php:2 | removed | Function mcrypt_generic_end() is removed.     |
|            |         | Consider replace with mcrypt_generic_deinit() |
| /5.4.php:3 | removed | Function magic_quotes_runtime() is removed.   |

Json report format

Also, you can store analyze result in json format for automatic check. Pass --output-file=FILENAME to write result to FILENAME file or do not set to output to stdout.

Junit report format

Also, you can store analyze result in junit format for automatic check. Pass --output-file=FILENAME to write result to FILENAME file or do not set to output to stdout.

Format of json - dictionary with items:

Items description:


docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume $PWD:/app composer:2.2.4 sh
# and inside a container:
docker-php-ext-install bcmath
composer require macfja/phar-builder
echo phar.readonly=0 >> /usr/local/etc/php/php-cli.ini
composer run-script build