

utility scala-sql


scala-sql 2.0 is the simple scala sql api on top of JDBC.

Planning Features

Basic usgae

scala-sql enhance java.sql.Connection & java.sql.DataSource with more methods:

Compile-Time grammar check

  1. write a scala-sql.properties in current directory
  2. provide a default.url, default.user, default.password, default.driver for the default configuration
  3. write sql statement using SQL"select * from table"
  4. If you need to access muti-database, you can define a @db(name="some") in the enclosing class, and define some.url, some.user, some.password, some.driver

JdbcValue[T], JdbcValueAccessor[T]

scala-sql defines type class JdbcValueAccessor[T], any type which has an implicit context bound of JdbcValueAccessor can be passed into query, and passed out from ResultSet. This include:


scala-sql define type class ResultSetMapper[T], any type which has an implicit context of ResultSetMapper can be mapped to a ResulSet, thus, can be used in the rows[T], row[T], foreach[T] operations.

instead of writing the ResultSetMapper yourself, scala-sql provide a Macro which automate generate the mapper for Case Class.

So, does it support all Case Class ? of couse not, eg. you Case class case class User(name: String, url: URL) is not supported because the url field is not compatible with SQL. the scala-sql Macro provide a stronger type check mechanism for ensure the Case Class is able to mapping from ResultSet.

sbt usage:

libraryDependencies +=  "com.github.wangzaixiang" %% "scala-sql" % "2.0.7"