

Go Project Layout

This is my understanding of how to structure Go project layout. The most important part is how to organize your Go code into packages.


A good project layout will make your source code easy to understand, easy to test, and easy to maintain.
Kat Zien has a very good summary(Slides) for this, so I'd like to refer it directly as below:

Questions, decisions

Why should we care?

Because if Go is going to be a language that companies invest in for the long term, the maintenance of Go programs, the ease of which they can change, will be a key factor in their decision. - Dave Cheney, Golang UK 2016 keynote

Good structure goals


# shell 1
$ go version
go version go1.13.1 linux/amd64
$ cd $GOPATH
$ # app 1: reverse echo
$ go get -u github.com/wangyoucao577/go-project-layout/cmd/echor
$ ./bin/echor "hello world"
dlrow olleh
$ # app 2: a simple diagnosis service for server diagnosis. 
$ #    return `Hostname/IP/CPUs/RemoteAddr...` by `HTTP`. 
$ #    sample request: `http://localhost:8000/diagnosis?diagnosis=ping`
$ go get -u github.com/wangyoucao577/go-project-layout/cmd/diagnosis
$ ./bin/diagnosis -alsologtostderr
I1007 18:50:05.550952    3769 main.go:33] Listen on :8000

# shell 2
$ curl "http://localhost:8000/diagnosis?diagnosis=ping"
  "IP Addresses":[
  "Remote Endpoint":""


This topic is kind of best practices. I'd like to discuss some of them and my opinion, then maybe deep into more best practices in the future.

Top dir /cmd

[My opinion: Strongly recommended]
The cmd layout pattern is very useful when you need to have more than one application binary.

Top dir /pkg

[My opinion: NOT good enough, use it if good for you]

Group packages by dependency

[My opinion: Strongly recommended]

More best practices
