

KB-REF_dataset (Knowledge Based Referring Expression)


KB-REF dataset is a referring expression comprehension dataset. Different with other referring expression dataset, it requires that each referring expression must use at least one external knowledge (the information can not be got from the image). There are 31, 284 expressions with 9, 925 images in training set, 4, 000 expressions with 2, 290 images in validation set, and 8, 000 expressions with 4, 702 images in test set. Also the dataset contains a number of object categories.


The dataset can be downloaded from BaiduYun Drive (code: 3vze). The images of KB-REF are come from VisualGenome. It contains several files:

If you have any question about this dataset and code, please email to dongyang.liu0705@qq.com directly. And I will response you as as soon as possible.

The code of baseline model will coming soon. I'm busy preparing for graduation recently, please wait. Thank you!