

QtAV Build Status Appveyor

I'm not developing QtAV, patches are still welcome. You can try my new sdk which is actively developed

QtAV is a multimedia playback library based on Qt and FFmpeg. It can help you to write a player with less effort than ever before.

QtAV has been added to FFmpeg projects page http://ffmpeg.org/projects.html

QtAV is free software licensed under the term of LGPL v2.1. The player example is licensed under GPL v3. If you use QtAV or its constituent libraries, you must adhere to the terms of the license in question.

Home page


QtAV can meet your most demands

Extensible Framework

Some components in QtAV are designed to be extensible. For example, you can write your decoder, audio output for particular platform. Here is a very good example to add cedar hardware accelerated decoder for A13-OLinuXino

For Developers


Qt FFmpeg Libav OpenAL

The required development files to build QtAV can be found in sourceforge page: depends


See the wiki Build QtAV and QtAV Build Configurations

How To Write a Player

Write a media player using QtAV is quite easy.

GLWidgetRenderer2 renderer;
AVPlayer player;

For more detail to using QtAV, see the wiki Use QtAV In Your Project or examples.

QtAV can also be used in Qml

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtAV 1.6
Item {
    Video {
        id: video
        source: "test.mp4"
    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: video.play()

How To Contribute


For End Users

Player Commandline Options

Run player -h

Default Shortcuts


Use QtAV in QML with OpenGL shaders(example is from qtmultimedia. But qtmultimedia is replaced by QtAV)

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Copyright © Wang Bin wbsecg1@gmail.com
