


This repository has been archived and is not supported.

No Maintenance Intended


This projected was owned and maintained by Walmart. This project has reached its end of life and Walmart no longer supports this project.

We will no longer be monitoring the issues for this project or reviewing pull requests. You are free to continue using this project under the license terms or forks of this project at your own risk. This project is no longer subject to Walmart's bug bounty program or other security monitoring.

Actions you can take

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Forking and transition of ownership

For security reasons, Walmart does not transfer the ownership of our primary repos on Github or other platforms to other individuals/organizations. Further, we do not transfer ownership of packages for public package management systems.

If you would like to fork this package and continue development, you should choose a new name for the project and create your own packages, build automation, etc.

Please review the licensing terms of this project, which continue to be in effect even after decommission.

<h1 align="center">eslint-config-walmart</h1> <p align="center"> <a title='npm version' href="https://npmjs.org/package/eslint-config-walmart"> <img src='http://img.shields.io/npm/v/eslint-config-walmart.svg' /> </a> <a title='License' href="https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"> <img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg' /> </a> <a title='Build Status' href='https://travis-ci.org/walmartlabs/eslint-config-walmart'> <img src='https://api.travis-ci.org/walmartlabs/eslint-config-walmart.svg?branch=master' /> </a> </p> <h4 align="center"> A composable set of ESLint configurations. </h4>

This project is the maintained offshoot of eslint-config-defaults with just the Walmart Labs-flavored rules included. It is eslint@2+-compatible and actively maintained (with love) by the friendly folks at Walmart Labs. Check out the style guide for a comprehensive list of rules.


  1. Install this config package and ESLint:

    $ npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-config-walmart
  2. Then, install any additional dependencies required by your configuration. (See Dependencies section below.)

    $ npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-filenames babel-eslint


Full Configurations

This package includes the following complete and ready to use configurations:


To consume and extend a config in ESLint just add the extends attribute to your .eslintrc. For more details about how shareable configs work, see the ESLint documentation.

  - "walmart"
  - "walmart/configurations/es6-browser"

NOTE: Extending multiple complete configs can cause unexpected results, if you need to do this you should consider a piecemeal config as explained below. See https://github.com/walmartlabs/eslint-config-defaults/issues/38 for details.

Piecemeal Configurations

ESLint configuration is broken apart in ./rules containing ESLint's rules and rules for specific ESLint plugins. The full set of ESLint rules (./rules/eslint) are broken into categories that mirror ESLint's documentation. Under each rule type there are sets of configuration as well as an off.js file which turns off every rule in the category.

  - "walmart/rules/eslint/best-practices/on",
  - "walmart/rules/eslint/es6/off"
  - "walmart/rules/eslint/node/off"

  "phantom": true


Due to an issue with ESLint, config extension cannot be called from a globally installed (npm install -g eslint) eslint. It can however be run properly using eslint installed directly to your package's node_modules. This can be done by either calling it directly (./node_modules/.bin/eslint .) or from within an npm script since they automatically check local node_modules first. This will be tracked in issue #43.

This package tracks config in the following versions:

And A Special Thanks To


Copyright (c) 2015-present, WalmartLabs

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.