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Swift wrapper for Chromaprint, the audio fingerprint library of the AcoustID project


Add https://github.com/wallisch/ChromaSwift as SwiftPM dependency and import ChromaSwift


Generating fingerprints

Generate fingerprint of a file containing an audio track by URL. This also works for video files (e.g. music videos)

let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "Test.mp3")
let testFingerprint = try AudioFingerprint(from: fileURL)

Optionally, specify the AudioFingerprintAlgorithm (Default: .test2)

You can remove leading silence with.test4

Warning: Only .test2 fingerprints can be looked up at the AcoustID service

let testFingerprint = try AudioFingerprint(from: fileURL, algorithm: .test4)

And / Or the maximum duration to sample in seconds (Default: 120). Pass nil to sample the entire file

let testFingerprint = try AudioFingerprint(from: fileURL, maxSampleDuration: 10.0)

Handling fingerprints

Get the algorithm that was used to generate the fingerprint

let algorithm = testFingerprint.algorithm // AudioFingerprint.Algorithm.test2

Get the duration of the entire file in seconds

let duration = testFingerprint.duration // 46.0

Get the fingerprint in its raw form as an array of unsigned 32 bit integers

let rawFingerprint = testFingerprint.raw // [4107342261, 4107276695, ... ]

Get the fingerprint as base64 representation

let base64FingerprintString = testFingerprint.base64 // "AQABYJGikFSmJBCPijt6Hq..."

Get the fingerprints hash as binary string

let binaryHashString = testFingerprint.hash // "01110100010011101010100110100100"

Instantiate a fingerprint object from its raw form, algorithm and and entire file duration

let newFingerprint = AudioFingerprint(from: rawFingerprint, algorithm: .test2, duration: duration)

Instantiate a fingerprint object from its base64 representation and entire file duration

let newFingerprint = try AudioFingerprint(from: base64FingerprintString, duration: duration)

Get similarity to other fingerprint object (0.0 to 1.0)

let similarity = try newFingerprint.similarity(to: testFingerprint) // 1.0

Optionally, ignore sample duration differences greater than 20% between fingerprints (Default: false)

This is useful if you want to e.g. check if a a longer mix contains a specific track

Warning: This can lead to wrong results when comparing with Fingerprints sampled for a very short duration

try newFingerprint.similarity(to: testFingerprint, ignoreSampleDuration: true) // 1.0

You can also get the similarity to a fingerprint hash

Warning: This is less accurate than comparing fingerprint objects, especially if the algorithms don't match

try newFingerprint.similarity(to: binaryHashString) // 1.0

Looking up fingerprints

Init the service with your AcoustID API key

let acoustID = AcoustID(apiKey: "zfkYWDrOqAk")

Optionally, specify a timeout in seconds (Default: 3.0)

let acoustID = AcoustID(apiKey: "zfkYWDrOqAk", timeout: 10.0)

Lookup an AudioFingerprint object

acoustID.lookup(newFingerprint) { response in
    switch response {
    case .failure(let error):
        // AcoustID.Error
    case .success(let results):
        // [AcoustID.APIResult]
        for result in results {
            // Matching score (0.0 to 1.0)
            let score = result.score

            for recording in result.recordings! {
                // Song title
                let title = recording.title

                // Song artists
                let artists = recording.artists

                // Song release groups (Albums, Singles, etc.)
                let releasegroups = recording.releasegroups

Handling errors

Throwing calls throw either an AudioDecoder.Error

do {
    let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "Invalid.mp3")
    try AudioFingerprint(from: fileURL)
} catch {
    // AudioDecoder.Error.invalidFile

Or an AudioFingerprint.Error

do {
    try AudioFingerprint(from: "Invalid", duration: 46.0)
} catch {
    // AudioFingerprint.Error.invalidFingerprint

Accessing Chromaprints C API

You can also import CChromaprint to directly interact with Chromaprints C interface. Please refer to the official documentation for further information.

Note: To avoid licensing issues, CChromaprint has internal input resampling disabled and thus requires that input audio for the fingerprinter is already at the configured fingerprint sample rate.