

<img width="274" alt="Creevey" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4607770/220418756-89cf4f54-ccb7-4086-a74c-a044ea1d2a61.png">

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Cross-browser screenshot testing tool for Storybook with fancy UI Runner.

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Creevey Demo

Core features

It named after Colin Creevey character from the Harry Potter universe.



How to start

yarn add -D creevey
// .storybook/main.js
module.exports = {
  stories: [
    /* ... */
  addons: [
    /* ... */
yarn start-storybook -p 6006
yarn creevey --ui

And that's it.

NOTE: In first run you may noticed, that all your tests are failing, it because you don't have source screenshot images yet. If you think, that all images are acceptable, you may approve them all in one command yarn creevey --update.

NOTE: Creevey captures screenshot of the #root element and sometimes you need to capture a whole browser viewport. To achieve this you could define captureElement Creevey parameter for story or kind. Or you may pass any different css selector.

// stories/MyModal.stories.tsx

// NOTE: Define parameter for all stories
export default {
  title: 'MyModal',
  parameters: { creevey: { captureElement: null } },

// NOTE: Or define it for specific one

export const MyModalStory = () => <MyModal />;
MyModalStory.parameters = { creevey: { captureElement: null } };

Comparison with other tools

Storybook Support:heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::no_entry::no_entry::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:
Run tests from Storybook UI:heavy_check_mark::no_entry::no_entry::no_entry::no_entry::no_entry::no_entry:
Test Interaction:heavy_check_mark::no_entry::warning::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::no_entry::no_entry:
UI Test Runner:heavy_check_mark::no_entry::no_entry::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:
Built-in Docker:heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::no_entry::no_entry::heavy_check_mark::warning::warning:
Tests hot-reload:heavy_check_mark::no_entry::no_entry::no_entry::no_entry::no_entry::no_entry:

Future plans

Known issues

Creevey is trying to build storybook but fail or tests don't work

This might happens because Creevey patches storybook webpack config and build nodejs bundle with stories meta information. And in some cases Creevey couldn't properly remove all unnecessary code cause of side-effects in stories files or you create stories dynamically. Try to rewrite such places. If it still doesn't help, send to me bundle that Creevey created (it located in node_modules/creevey/.cache/creevey/storybook/main.js)

A little bit later I'll add possibility to run tests without building that bundle, so it fixes this issue.


Currently it's not possible to run Creevey in this configuration. I'll fix this in later versions. If you use CircleCI or another CI that use docker to run jobs. Try to configure to use virtual machine executor

Update I added support to use local browsers. So it should be possible run Creevey inside docker. The only issue, that you need to find or build docker image with node, browser and selenium-webdriver. I'll add special images for Creevey later.

Chrome webdriver + 1px border with border-radius.

This cause to flaky screenshots. Possible solutions:

You can't directly import selenium-webdriver package in story file

Because tests defined in story parameters and selenium-webdriver depends on nodejs builtin packages. Storybook may fail to build browser bundle. To avoid import use these workarounds:

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