

GeoJSON2SVG npm version Build Status

Render geojson into SVG using inline or external stylesheet, in Node or in the browser


via npm

npm install geojson-to-svg -S


// ES5
var geojson2svg = require("geojson-to-svg"); // factory
// if you want to re-use the renderer
var Renderer = geojson2svg.Renderer;

// ES6
import geojson2svg, { Renderer } from "geojson-to-svg";

Alternatively, you can use one of the pre-built versions from the dist/ directory.


<a href="#constructor" name="constructor">#</a> new geojson2svg.Renderer( gj, styles, extent, projection, type, fonts, transform )

<a href="#factory" name="factory">#</a> geojson2svg( gj, styles, extent, projection, type, fonts, transform )

Constructor and factory. You may pass all the settings in one go to the renderer, but it's rather convenient to use the settings API:

<a href="#data" name="data">#</a> geojson2svg().data( FeatureCollection|Feature )

Stores the data for rendering, it will also be projected right away if you specified the projection function before calling this method.

<a href="#styles" name="styles">#</a> geojson2svg().styles( Object | Function )

Styles hashmap, you can define your own types, the type will be selected from feature properties. Also a function can be passed, which would provide styling based on the feature. The signature is style (feature, canvasBBox, featureBBox) -> Object

  .styles({ YourType: { fill: "blue", stroke: "red" } })
  .data({ type: "Feature", properties: { type: "YourType" } })

<a href="#type" name="type">#</a> geojson2svg().type( String )

Which field in the feature properties should be used to select the style for the feature from the stylesheet.

  .styles({ YourType: { fill: "blue", stroke: "red" } })
  .data({ type: "Feature", properties: { myField: "YourType" } })

<a href="#render" name="render">#</a> geojson.render( GeoJSON(optional) )

Main rendering pipe, returns SVG string.

<a href="#fonts" name="fonts">#</a> geojson2svg().fonts( Array<Font> | Font )

Fonts measurements required for correct text and multi-line text rendering. Must be in the same format that the CLI script provides, see font measurement. You can provide several measurement data objects at once in an array.

    name: '\"Custom font\", Standard-font, serif',
    values : [{
      "avg": 1.5294730846698468,
      "height": 3.5390625,
      "size": 3
    type: 'Feature',
    properties: {
      type: 'textbox',
      fontFamily: '\"Custom font\", Standard-font, serif',
      fontSize: 3

<a href="#extent" name="extent">#</a> geojson2svg().extent( [xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax] )

Forced canvas extent, e.g. SVG viewBox. It will overwrite what was calculated from the features coordinatesand styles.

<a href="#decorator" name="decorator">#</a> geojson2svg().decorator( string, (feature, rings, closed, bbox, featuresBbox) => string )

Registers a decorator for the special rendering of the Polygon/LineString path. Basically it's a custom <path> renderer, it has to return a valid SVG path.

  .decorator("YourType", function (
    coordinates /* rings */,
  ) {
    var path = "";
    for (var i = 0, len = coords.length; i < len; i++) {
      // randomize coords a little bit
      var c = [coords[i][0] + Math.random(), coords[i][1] + Math.random()];
      path += (i === 0 ? "M" : "L") + c[0] + " " + c[1];

      // it's your responsibility to update the content bounds if you
      // don't provide the forced extent through .extent()
      geojson2svg.extendBBox(bbox, c);
      geojson2svg.extendBBox(fBounds, c);
    if (closed) path += "Z";
    return path;
    type: "Feature",
    properties: { type: "YourType" },
    geometry: {
      type: "LineString",
      coordinates: [
        [0, 0],
        [1, 1],
        [2, 2],
// '<svg ...><path ... d="M0.23 0.121L1.445 1.54533L2.043 2.785" /></svg>'

<a href="#projection" name="projection">#</a> geojson2svg().projection( Function )

Projection function that will be used on every coordinate pair in every feature. See w8r/geojson-project. Difference between this one and .decorator() is that this one can be used to project the input geometries (think geographical projections), and decorators are used to adjust the styling of the paths to apply some kind of a pattern, double-up the lines etc.

  .projection(function (coord) {
    return [coord[0] + 1, coord[1] + 1];
  .data({ type: "Feature", geometry: { coordinates: [0, 0], type: "Point" } })

// <svg ...><circle cx="1" cy="1" r=... /></svg>

<a href="#transform" name="transform">#</a> geojson2svg.transform( function )

Transform features on the run, for instance transforming a feature geometry from one type to another. Signature of the function should be function (feature) -> feature

Supported types

Special types

Some special types (though still GeoJSON-standard compliant) are used in this library:


geojson2svg --input input.geojson --styles styles.json > out.svg
# or
cat input.geojson | geojson2svg --styles styles.json > out.svg

List of options:

<a name="font-measurement">Font measurement</a>

To render text correctly, geojson2svg needs information about the glyph size: average symbol width and line height. There is a script producing measurement files for a given fontFamily. It uses headless browser to render the symbol sets and calculate the values. Note that if further on geojson2svg will find the matching font-family but not the size, it will try and interpolate the values.

measure-font --font '\"Times New Roman\", Georgia, serif' --sizes 3,5,8,12 > fonts.json

The result file can be passed to the geojson2svg through the fonts option. You might also want to check out included measurement files in fonts/ dir.

Note: headless browser is not included in this repo as a dependency, cause it's only necessary from time to time to calculate these values, it's not required to perform the main task of this library. So in order to run this script, install nightmare headless browser globally or work from inside of this repo. Any suggestions are welcome as to how to solve it differently.


npm install
npm test           # run tests once
npm run test:watch # run tests continuously
npm run build      # build dist versions


Maki icons used in the examples are CC0, courtesy of Mapbox


MIT License Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Milevski