

<p align="center"> <img src="./w3tec-logo.png" alt="w3tec" width="400" /> </p> <h1 align="center">Express Typescript Boilerplate</h1> <p align="center"> <a href="https://david-dm.org/w3tecch/express-typescript-boilerplate"> <img src="https://david-dm.org/w3tecch/express-typescript-boilerplate/status.svg?style=flat" alt="dependency" /> </a> <a href="https://travis-ci.org/w3tecch/express-typescript-boilerplate"> <img src="https://travis-ci.org/w3tecch/express-typescript-boilerplate.svg?branch=master" alt="travis" /> </a> <a href="https://ci.appveyor.com/project/dweber019/express-typescript-boilerplate/branch/master"> <img src="https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/f8e7jdm8v58hcwpq/branch/master?svg=true&passingText=Windows%20passing&pendingText=Windows%20pending&failingText=Windows%20failing" alt="appveyor" /> </a> <a href="https://stackshare.io/hirsch88/express-typescript-boilerplate"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/tech-stack-0690fa.svg?style=flat" alt="StackShare" /> </a> </p> <p align="center"> <b>A delightful way to building a Node.js RESTful API Services with beautiful code written in TypeScript.</b></br> <span>Inspired by the awesome framework <a href="https://laravel.com/">laravel</a> in PHP and of the repositories from <a href="https://github.com/pleerock">pleerock</a></span></br> <sub>Made with ❤️ by <a href="https://github.com/w3tecch">w3tech</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/GeryHirschfeld1">Gery Hirschfeld</a> and <a href="https://github.com/w3tecch/express-typescript-boilerplate/graphs/contributors">contributors</a></sub> </p> <br />


❯ Why

Our main goal with this project is a feature complete server application. We like you to be focused on your business and not spending hours in project configuration.

Try it!! We are happy to hear your feedback or any kind of new features.



❯ Table of Contents


❯ Getting Started

Step 1: Set up the Development Environment

You need to set up your development environment before you can do anything.

Install Node.js and NPM

Install yarn globally

yarn install yarn -g

Install a MySQL database.

If you work with a mac, we recommend to use homebrew for the installation.

Step 2: Create new Project

Fork or download this project. Configure your package.json for your new project.

Then copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env. In this file you have to add your database connection information.

Create a new database with the name you have in your .env-file.

Then setup your application environment.

yarn run setup

This installs all dependencies with yarn. After that it migrates the database and seeds some test data into it. So after that your development environment is ready to use.

Step 3: Serve your App

Go to the project dir and start your app with this yarn script.

yarn start serve

This starts a local server using nodemon, which will watch for any file changes and will restart the sever according to these changes. The server address will be displayed to you as


❯ Scripts and Tasks

All script are defined in the package-scripts.js file, but the most important ones are listed here.




Running in dev mode

Building the project and run it

Database Migration

Database Seeding


❯ Debugger in VSCode

To debug your code run yarn start build or hit <kbd>cmd</kbd> + <kbd>b</kbd> to build your app. Then, just set a breakpoint and hit <kbd>F5</kbd> in your Visual Studio Code.


❯ API Routes

The route prefix is /api by default, but you can change this in the .env file. The swagger and the monitor route can be altered in the .env file.

/apiShows us the name, description and the version of the package.json
/graphqlRoute to the graphql editor or your query/mutations requests
/swaggerThis is the Swagger UI with our API documentation
/monitorShows a small monitor page for the server
/api/usersExample entity endpoint
/api/petsExample entity endpoint


❯ Project Structure

.vscode/VSCode tasks, launch configuration and some other settings
dist/Compiled source files will be placed here
src/Source files
src/api/controllers/REST API Controllers
src/api/controllers/requestsRequest classes with validation rules if the body is not equal with a model
src/api/controllers/responsesResponse classes or interfaces to type json response bodies
src/api/errors/Custom HttpErrors like 404 NotFound
src/api/interceptors/Interceptors are used to change or replace the data returned to the client.
src/api/middlewares/Express Middlewares like helmet security features
src/api/models/Bookshelf Models
src/api/repositories/Repository / DB layer
src/api/services/Service layer
src/api/subscribers/Event subscribers
src/api/validators/Custom validators, which can be used in the request classes
src/api/resolvers/GraphQL resolvers (query, mutation & field-resolver)
src/api/types/GraphQL types ,input-types and scalar types
src/api/ schema.gqlGenerated GraphQL schema
src/api/ swagger.jsonSwagger documentation
src/auth/Authentication checkers and services
src/core/The core features like logger and env variables
src/database/factoriesFactory the generate fake entities
src/database/migrationsDatabase migration scripts
src/database/seedsSeeds to create some data in the database
src/decorators/Custom decorators like @Logger & @EventDispatch
src/loaders/Loader is a place where you can configure your app
src/public/Static assets (fonts, css, js, img).
src/types/ *.d.tsCustom type definitions and files that aren't on DefinitelyTyped
test/e2e/ *.test.tsEnd-2-End tests (like e2e)
test/integration/ *.test.tsIntegration test with SQLite3
test/unit/ *.test.tsUnit tests
.env.exampleEnvironment configurations
.env.testTest environment configurations
mydb.sqlSQLite database for integration tests. Ignored by git and only available after integration tests


❯ Logging

Our logger is winston. To log http request we use the express middleware morgan. We created a simple annotation to inject the logger in your service (see example below).

import { Logger, LoggerInterface } from '../../decorators/Logger';

export class UserService {

        @Logger(__filename) private log: LoggerInterface
    ) { }



❯ Event Dispatching

We use this awesome repository event-dispatch for event dispatching. We created a simple annotation to inject the EventDispatcher in your service (see example below). All events are listed in the events.ts file.

import { events } from '../subscribers/events';
import { EventDispatcher, EventDispatcherInterface } from '../../decorators/EventDispatcher';

export class UserService {

        @EventDispatcher() private eventDispatcher: EventDispatcherInterface
    ) { }

    public async create(user: User): Promise<User> {
        this.eventDispatcher.dispatch(events.user.created, newUser);


❯ Seeding

Isn't it exhausting to create some sample data for your database, well this time is over!

How does it work? Just create a factory for your entities (models) and a seed script.

1. Create a factory for your entity

For all entities we want to seed, we need to define a factory. To do so we give you the awesome faker library as a parameter into your factory. Then create your "fake" entity and return it. Those factory files should be in the src/database/factories folder and suffixed with Factory like src/database/factories/UserFactory.ts.

Settings can be used to pass some static value into the factory.

define(User, (faker: typeof Faker, settings: { roles: string[] }) => {
    const gender = faker.random.number(1);
    const firstName = faker.name.firstName(gender);
    const lastName = faker.name.lastName(gender);
    const email = faker.internet.email(firstName, lastName);

    const user = new User();
    user.firstName = firstName;
    user.lastName = lastName;
    user.email = email;
    user.roles = settings.roles;
    return user;

Handle relation in the entity factory like this.

define(Pet, (faker: typeof Faker, settings: undefined) => {
    const gender = faker.random.number(1);
    const name = faker.name.firstName(gender);

    const pet = new Pet();
    pet.name = name;
    pet.age = faker.random.number();
    pet.user = factory(User)({ roles: ['admin'] })
    return pet;

2. Create a seed file

The seeds files define how much and how the data are connected with each other. The files will be executed alphabetically. With the second function, accepting your settings defined in the factories, you are able to create different variations of entities.

export class CreateUsers implements Seed {

    public async seed(factory: Factory, connection: Connection): Promise<any> {
        await factory(User)({ roles: [] }).createMany(10);


Here an example with nested factories. You can use the .map() function to alter the generated value before they get persisted.

await factory(User)()
    .map(async (user: User) => {
        const pets: Pet[] = await factory(Pet)().createMany(2);
        const petIds = pets.map((pet: Pet) => pet.Id);
        await user.pets().attach(petIds);

To deal with relations you can use the entity manager like this.

export class CreatePets implements SeedsInterface {

    public async seed(factory: FactoryInterface, connection: Connection): Promise<any> {
        const connection = await factory.getConnection();
        const em = connection.createEntityManager();

        await times(10, async (n) => {
            // This creates a pet in the database
            const pet = await factory(Pet)().create();
            // This only returns a entity with fake data
            const user = await factory(User)({ roles: ['admin'] }).make();
            user.pets = [pet];
            await em.save(user);


3. Run the seeder

The last step is the easiest, just hit the following command in your terminal, but be sure you are in the projects root folder.

yarn start db.seed

CLI Interface

yarn start "db.seed"Run all seeds
yarn start "db.seed --run CreateBruce,CreatePets"Run specific seeds (file names without extension)
yarn start "db.seed -L"Log database queries to the terminal
yarn start "db.seed --factories <path>"Add a different path to your factories (Default: src/database/)
yarn start "db.seed --seeds <path>"Add a different path to your seeds (Default: src/database/seeds/)


❯ GraphQL

For the GraphQL part we used the library TypeGraphQL to build awesome GraphQL API's.

The context(shown below) of the GraphQL is builded in the graphqlLoader.ts file. Inside of this loader we create a scoped container for each incoming request.

export interface Context {
  requestId: number;
  request: express.Request;
  response: express.Response;
  container: ContainerInstance;


For the usage of the DataLoaders we created a annotation, which automatically creates and registers a new DataLoader to the scoped container.

Here is an example of the PetResolver.

import DataLoader from 'dataloader';
import { DLoader } from '../../decorators/DLoader';
        private petService: PetService,
        @Logger(__filename) private log: LoggerInterface,
        @DLoader(UserModel) private userLoader: DataLoader<string, UserModel>
    ) { }

Or you could use the repository too.

@DLoader(UserRepository) private userLoader: DataLoader<string, UserModel>

Or even use a custom method of your given repository.

@DLoader(PetRepository, {
    method: 'findByUserIds',
    key: 'userId',
    multiple: true,
}) private petLoader: DataLoader<string, PetModel>

❯ Docker

Install Docker

Before you start, make sure you have a recent version of Docker installed

Build Docker image

docker build -t <your-image-name> .

Run Docker image in container and map port

The port which runs your application inside Docker container is either configured as PORT property in your .env configuration file or passed to Docker container via environment variable PORT. Default port is 3000.

Run image in detached mode

docker run -d -p <port-on-host>:<port-inside-docker-container> <your-image-name>

Run image in foreground mode

docker run -i -t -p <port-on-host>:<port-inside-docker-container> <your-image-name>

Stop Docker container

Detached mode

docker stop <container-id>

You can get a list of all running Docker container and its ids by following command

docker images

Foreground mode

Go to console and press <CTRL> + C at any time.

Docker environment variables

There are several options to configure your app inside a Docker container

project .env file

You can use .env file in project root folder which will be copied inside Docker image. If you want to change a property inside .env you have to rebuild your Docker image.

run options

You can also change app configuration by passing environment variables via docker run option -e or --env.

docker run --env DB_HOST=localhost -e DB_PORT=3306

environment file

Last but not least you can pass a config file to docker run.

docker run --env-file ./env.list

env.list example:

# this is a comment


❯ Further Documentations

Name & LinkDescription
ExpressExpress is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
MicroframeworkMicroframework is a simple tool that allows you to execute your modules in a proper order, helping you to organize bootstrap code in your application.
TypeDIDependency Injection for TypeScript.
routing-controllersCreate structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage in Express / Koa using TypeScript and Routing Controllers Framework.
TypeORMTypeORM is highly influenced by other ORMs, such as Hibernate, Doctrine and Entity Framework.
class-validatorValidation made easy using TypeScript decorators.
class-transformerProper decorator-based transformation / serialization / deserialization of plain javascript objects to class constructors
 event-dispatcherDispatching and listening for application events in Typescript 
 HelmetHelmet helps you secure your Express apps by setting various HTTP headers. It’s not a silver bullet, but it can help! 
 Auth0 API DocumentationAuthentification service 
 JestDelightful JavaScript Testing Library for unit and e2e tests 
 supertestSuper-agent driven library for testing node.js HTTP servers using a fluent API 
 nockHTTP mocking and expectations library 
swagger Documentation  API Tool to describe and document your api.
SQLite Documentation Getting Started with SQLite3 – Basic Commands.
GraphQL Documentation A query language for your API.
DataLoader Documentation DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and caching.


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❯ License