


Build CBQN for Windows with Docker


cd to the folder where you can find this README and Dockerfiles.

For example, if you want to call your image "winbqn", you want to build with:

docker build -t winbqn .

You can pass in arguments by adding --build-arg ARG=VALUE to the command. The arguments are:

Then, you can get bqn.zip by:

docker run -v ${PWD}:/out --rm -d winbqn cp /build/out/bqn.zip /out

Finally, you can remove the image by:

docker rmi winbqn


The BQN logo (BQN.ico) is licensed ISC. Other files are licensed MIT.

Under licenses/ are licenses to be distributed with the CBQN binary.

CBQN is dual-licensed LGPLv3 and MPL2, you can choose one.