

<p align="center"> <h1>Pywork</h1><br> <i>python app yeoman generator</i><br> <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/yo">Yeoman</a> | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/generator-pywork">Npm Pywork</a> | <a href="https://github.com/vutran1710/Pywork">Home</a> <br><br> <img align="center" width="170" height="170" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vutran1710/YeomanPywork/master/img/pywork.png"> </p> <br>

PyWork is a Yeoman generator for a basic python-worker project that makes use of Pipenv, Logzero and Pydantic.

It includes a bunch of helpful dev-dependencies, being:

...and few boilerplates for working with different databases/message broker using python clients like

It supports framework-based application templates for frameworks like:

and more to come...

Some extra useful stuffs provided are:

Get set

Have Yeoman installed globally.

$ npm install -g yo

If you haven't used Yeoman before, take a look at the Yeoman's Official Website for details.

Prepare project with Yeoman

$ npm install -g generator-pywork
$ mkdir my-project && cd my-project
$ yo pywork

With each selected database-client or third-party libraries, some extra application config variables may be added to config.ini. So make sure to fix the config.ini after having finished installing all dependencies with Pipenv.

Formatting config can be changed by editting setup.cfg

Start Coding

If everything else went well, you can start coding your project.