


Backdoor-Toolbox is a compact toolbox that integrates various backdoor attacks and defenses. We designed our toolbox with a shallow function call stack, which makes it easy to read and transplant by other researchers. Most codes are adapted from the original attack/defense implementation. This repo is still under heavy updates. Welcome to make your contributions for attacks/defenses that have not yet been implemented!


You may register your own attacks, defenses and visualization methods in the corresponding files and directories.


Poisoning attacks

See poison_tool_box/ and create_poisoned_set.py.

Other attacks

See other_attacks_tool_box/ and other_attack.py.


Poison Cleansers

See cleansers_tool_box/ and cleanser.py.

Other Defenses

See other_defenses_tool_box/ and other_defense.py.


Visualize the latent space of backdoor models. See visualize.py.


This repository was developed with PyTorch 1.12.1, and should be compatible with PyTorch of newer versions. To set up the required environment, first manually install PyTorch with CUDA, and then install other packages via pip install -r requirement.txt.

TODO before You Start

Quick Start

For example, to launch and defend against the Adaptive-Blend attack:

# Create a poisoned training set
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset=cifar10 -poison_type=adaptive_blend -poison_rate=0.003 -cover_rate=0.003 -alpha 0.15

# Train on the poisoned training set
python train_on_poisoned_set.py -dataset=cifar10 -poison_type=adaptive_blend -poison_rate=0.003 -cover_rate=0.003 -alpha 0.15 -test_alpha 0.2

# Test the backdoor model
python test_model.py -dataset=cifar10 -poison_type=adaptive_blend -poison_rate=0.003 -cover_rate=0.003 -alpha 0.15 -test_alpha 0.2

# Visualize
## $METHOD = ['pca', 'tsne', 'oracle']
python visualize.py -method=$METHOD -dataset=cifar10 -poison_type=adaptive_blend -poison_rate=0.003 -cover_rate=0.003 -alpha 0.15 -test_alpha 0.2

# Cleanse with other cleansers
## Except for 'Frequency', you need to train poisoned backdoor models first.
## $CLEANSER = ['SCAn', 'AC', 'SS', 'Strip', 'SPECTRE', 'SentiNet', 'Frequency', etc.]
python cleanser.py -cleanser=$CLEANSER -dataset=cifar10 -poison_type=adaptive_blend -poison_rate=0.003 -cover_rate=0.003 -alpha 0.15 -test_alpha 0.2

# Retrain on cleansed set
## $CLEANSER = ['SCAn', 'AC', 'SS', 'Strip', 'SPECTRE', 'SentiNet', etc.]
python train_on_cleansed_set.py -cleanser=$CLEANSER -dataset=cifar10 -poison_type=adaptive_blend -poison_rate=0.003 -cover_rate=0.003 -alpha 0.15 -test_alpha 0.2

# Other defenses
## $DEFENSE = ['ABL', 'NC', 'NAD', 'STRIP', 'FP', 'SentiNet', 'IBD_PSC', etc.]
## Except for 'ABL', you need to train poisoned backdoor models first.
python other_defense.py -defense=$DEFENSE -dataset=cifar10 -poison_type=adaptive_blend -poison_rate=0.003 -cover_rate=0.003 -alpha 0.15 -test_alpha 0.2
<!-- **Notice**: - `SPECTRE` is implemented in Julia. So you must install Julia and install dependencies before running SPECTRE, see [cleansers_tool_box/spectre/README.md](cleansers_tool_box/spectre/README.md) for configuration details. - For `clean_label` attack, run [data/cifar10/clean_label/setup.sh](data/cifar10/clean_label/setup.sh) before the first time launching it. - For `dynamic` attack, download pretrained generators `all2one_cifar10_ckpt.pth.tar` and `all2one_gtsrb_ckpt.pth.tar` to `[models/](models/) from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vG44QYPkJjlOvPs7GpCL2MU8iJfOi0ei/view?usp=sharing and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x01TDPwvSyMlCMDFd8nG05bHeh1jlSyx/view?usp=sharing before the first time launching it. --> <!-- https://github.com/VinAIResearch/input-aware-backdoor-attack-release before the first time launching it. -->

Some examples for creating other backdoor poison datasets:

python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset cifar10 -poison_type none
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset cifar10 -poison_type badnet -poison_rate 0.003
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset cifar10 -poison_type blend -poison_rate 0.003
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset cifar10 -poison_type trojan -poison_rate 0.003
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset cifar10 -poison_type clean_label -poison_rate 0.003
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset cifar10 -poison_type SIG -poison_rate 0.02
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset cifar10 -poison_type dynamic -poison_rate 0.003
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset cifar10 -poison_type ISSBA -poison_rate 0.02
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset cifar10 -poison_type WaNet -poison_rate 0.05 -cover_rate 0.1
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset cifar10 -poison_type TaCT -poison_rate 0.003 -cover_rate 0.003
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset cifar10 -poison_type adaptive_blend -poison_rate 0.003 -cover_rate 0.003 -alpha 0.15
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset cifar10 -poison_type adaptive_patch -poison_rate 0.003 -cover_rate 0.006

python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset gtsrb -poison_type none
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset gtsrb -poison_type badnet -poison_rate 0.01
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset gtsrb -poison_type blend -poison_rate 0.01
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset gtsrb -poison_type trojan -poison_rate 0.01
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset gtsrb -poison_type SIG -poison_rate 0.02
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset gtsrb -poison_type dynamic -poison_rate 0.003
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset gtsrb -poison_type WaNet -poison_rate 0.05 -cover_rate 0.1
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset gtsrb -poison_type TaCT -poison_rate 0.005 -cover_rate 0.005
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset gtsrb -poison_type adaptive_blend -poison_rate 0.003 -cover_rate 0.003 -alpha 0.15
python create_poisoned_set.py -dataset gtsrb -poison_type adaptive_patch -poison_rate 0.005 -cover_rate 0.01

Additional Options and Configurations

You can also:


If you find this toolbox useful for your research, please consider citing our work:

  title={Revisiting the assumption of latent separability for backdoor defenses},
  author={Qi, Xiangyu and Xie, Tinghao and Li, Yiming and Mahloujifar, Saeed and Mittal, Prateek},
  booktitle={The eleventh international conference on learning representations},

  title={Towards a proactive $\{$ML$\}$ approach for detecting backdoor poison samples},
  author={Qi, Xiangyu and Xie, Tinghao and Wang, Jiachen T and Wu, Tong and Mahloujifar, Saeed and Mittal, Prateek},
  booktitle={32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23)},

  title={BaDExpert: Extracting Backdoor Functionality for Accurate Backdoor Input Detection},
  author={Xie, Tinghao and Qi, Xiangyu and He, Ping and Li, Yiming and Wang, Jiachen T and Mittal, Prateek},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.12439},