

Packeton - Private PHP package repository for vendors

Run Tests PHP Version Require Hits-of-Code Docker pulls License

Fork of Packagist. The Open Source alternative of Private Packagist for vendors, that based on Satis and Packagist.

Full documentation docs.packeton.org


What was changed in this fork?

Table of content


See our Administration Demo. Username/password (admin/123456)


Install and Run in Docker

You can use packeton/packeton image or GitHub container registry ghcr.io/vtsykun/packeton:latest image

docker run -d --name packeton \
    --mount type=volume,src=packeton-data,dst=/data \
    -p 8080:80 \

After container is running, you may wish to create an admin user via command packagist:user:manager

docker exec -it packeton bin/console packagist:user:manager admin --password=123456 --admin

Or build and run docker container with docker-compose:

docker-compose build

docker-compose up -d # Run with single supervisor container 
docker-compose up -f docker-compose-split.yml -d # Or split 

Docker Environment variables



  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies: composer install
  3. Create .env.local and copy needed environment variables into it, see docker Environment variables section
  4. Run bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force --complete to set up the DB
  5. Create admin user via console.
php bin/console packagist:user:manager username --email=admin@example.com --password=123456 --admin 
  1. (optional) If you changed the configuration files, then you need to clear the cache rm -rf var/cache/* or php bin/console cache:clear

  2. Enable cron tabs and background jobs. Enable crontab crontab -e -u www-data or use Docker friendly build-in cron demand runner.

* * * * * /var/www/packagist/bin/console okvpn:cron >> /dev/null

Example, run cron as background process without crontab. Can use with supervisor.

bin/console okvpn:cron --demand

Setup Supervisor to run worker.

sudo apt -y --no-install-recommends install supervisor

Create a new supervisor configuration.

sudo vim /etc/supervisor/conf.d/packagist.conf

Add the following lines to the file.

environment =
command=/var/www/packagist/bin/console packagist:run-workers --env=prod --no-debug
  1. IMPORTANT Make sure that web-server, cron and supervisor run under the same user, that should have an ssh key that gives it read (clone) access to your git/svn/hg repositories. If you run application under www-data you can add your ssh keys to /var/www/.ssh/

You should now be able to access the site, create a user, etc.

  1. Make a VirtualHost with DocumentRoot pointing to public/

Ssh key access and composer oauth token.

Packagist uses the Composer global config and global ssh-key to get read access to your repositories, so the supervisor worker packagist:run-workers and web-server must run under the user, that have ssh key or composer config that gives it read (clone) access to your git/svn/hg repositories. For example, if your application runs under www-data and have home directory /var/www, directory structure must be like this.

    └── /var/www/
        └── .ssh/ # ssh keys directory
            ├── config
            ├── id_rsa # main ssh key
            ├── private_key_2 # additional ssh key
            └── private_key_3

Example ssh config for multiple SSH Keys for different github account/repos, see here for details

# .ssh/config - example

Host github-oroinc
	HostName github.com
	User git
	IdentityFile /var/www/.ssh/private_key_2
	IdentitiesOnly yes

Host github-org2
	HostName github.com
	User git
	IdentityFile /var/www/.ssh/private_key_3
	IdentitiesOnly yes

If you have the error This private key is not valid inserting your ssh in admin panel is because the ssh key was generated with newer OpenSSH. New keys with OpenSSH private key format can be converted using ssh-keygen utility to the old PEM format. ssh-keygen -p -m PEM -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

You can add GitHub/GitLab access token to auth.json of composer home dir (default APP_COMPOSER_HOME="%kernel.project_dir%/var/.composer") or use UI credentials, see here

    "github-oauth": {
        "github.com": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Allow connections to http

You can create config.json in the composer home (see APP_COMPOSER_HOME env var) or add this option in the UI credentials form.

    "secure-http": false

Don't use GitHub Api.

We disable usage GitHub API by default to force use ssh key or clone the repository via https as it would with any other git repository. You can enable it again with env option GITHUB_NO_API see here.


In order to add a configuration add a file with any name to the folder config/packages/*. The config will merge with default values in priority sorted by filename.

The configuration for Docker installation is available at /data/config.yaml. Also, you can use docker volume to add config directly at path config/packages/ldap.yaml.

            - .docker:/data
            - ${PWD}/ldap.yaml:/var/www/packagist/config/packages/ldap.yaml

Where /var/www/packagist/ default ROOT for docker installation.

Full example of configuration.

    github_no_api: '%env(bool:GITHUB_NO_API)%' # default true
    rss_max_items: 30
    archive: true

    # default false
    anonymous_access: '%env(bool:PUBLIC_ACCESS)%'

    anonymous_archive_access: '%env(bool:PUBLIC_ACCESS)%' # default false

        format: zip
        basedir: '%env(resolve:PACKAGIST_DIST_PATH)%'
        endpoint: '%env(PACKAGIST_DIST_HOST)%' # default auto detect by host headers 
        include_archive_checksum: false
        prebuild_zipball: false # If true - will be created .zip package for each release (and uploaded to S3/storage). Default - build dynamically, only if requested

    # disable by default 
        algo: EdDSA
        private_key: '%kernel.project_dir%/var/jwt/eddsa-key.pem'
        public_key: '%kernel.project_dir%/var/jwt/eddsa-public.pem'
        passphrase: ~

    # See mirrors section
    mirrors: ~
        format: auto # Default, see about metadata.
        info_cmd_message: ~ # Bash logo, example - \u001b[37;44m#StandWith\u001b[30;43mUkraine\u001b[0m
        # Allow uploading archives
        support_types: ['gz', 'tar', 'tgz', 'zip']
        #Allowed paths for artifact composer repo type
            - '/data/hdd1/composer'
        # Default path to storage/(local cache for S3) of uploaded artifacts
        artifact_storage: '%composer_home_dir%/artifact_storage'

        ## Multi host protection, disable web-ui if host !== app.example.com and ips !=,
        ## But the repo metadata will be available for all hosts and ips.
        repo_hosts: ['*', '!app.example.com'] 
        allow_ips: ','

Metadata format.

Packeton support metadata for Composer 1 and 2. For performance reasons, for Composer 1 uses metadata depending on the user-agent header: providers-lazy-url if ua != 1; provider-includes if ua == 1;

Format strategyUA 1UA 2UA is NULL
autoprovider-includes metadata-urlproviders-lazy-url metadata-urlproviders-lazy-url metadata-url
fullprovider-includes metadata-urlprovider-includes metadata-urlprovider-includes metadata-url

Where UA 1 - Composer User-Agent = 1. UA 2 - Composer User-Agent = 2.

Update Webhooks

You can use GitLab, Gitea, GitHub, and Bitbucket project post-receive hook to keep your packages up to date every time you push code. More simple way use group webhooks, to prevent from being added it per each repository manually.

ProviderGroup webhook supportTarget Path
GitLabOnly paid planhttps://example.org/api/update-package?token=

Bitbucket Webhooks

To enable the Bitbucket web hook, go to your BitBucket repository, open the settings and select "Webhooks" in the menu. Add a new hook. Y ou have to enter the Packagist endpoint, containing both your username and API token. Enter https://<app>/api/bitbucket?token=user:token as URL. Save your changes and you're done.

GitLab Service

To enable the GitLab service integration, go to your GitLab repository, open the Settings > Integrations page from the menu. Search for Packagist in the list of Project Services. Check the "Active" box, enter your packeton.org username and API token. Save your changes and you're done.

GitLab Group Hooks

Group webhooks will apply to all projects in a group and allow to sync all projects. To enable the Group GitLab webhook you must have the paid plan. Go to your GitLab Group > Settings > Webhooks. Enter https://<app>/api/update-package?token=user:token as URL.

GitHub Webhooks

To enable the GitHub webhook go to your GitHub repository. Click the "Settings" button, click "Webhooks". Add a new hook. Enter https://<app>/api/github?token=user:token as URL.

Manual or other hook setup

If you do not use Bitbucket or GitHub there is a generic endpoint you can call manually from a git post-receive hook or similar. You have to do a POST request to https://example.org/api/update-package?token=user:api_token with a request body looking like this:

  "repository": {

It will be works with Gitea by default.

Also, you can use package name in path parameter, see ApiController


You can do this using curl for example:

curl -XPOST -H 'content-type:application/json' 'https://example.org/api/update-package?token=user:api_token' -d' {"repository":{"url":"PACKAGIST_PACKAGE_URL"}}'

Instead of using repo url you can use directly composer package name. You have to do a POST request with a request body.

  "composer": {
    "package_name": "okvpn/test"
  "composer": {
    "package_name": ["okvpn/test", "okvpn/pack2"]

Custom webhook format transformer

You can create a proxy middleware to transform JSON payload to the applicable inner format. In the first you need create a new Rest Endpoint to accept external request.

Go to Settings > Webhooks and click Add webhook. Fill the form:

For example, if the input request has a format, the twig payload may look like this:

      "links": {
          "clone": [
              {"href": "https://github.com/vtsykun/packeton.git"}
{% set repository = request.repository.links.clone[0].href %}
{% if repository is null %}
    {{ interrupt('Request does not contains repository link') }}
{% endif %}

{% set response = {
    'repository': {'url': repository },
    'packeton': {'regex': '{^(?:ssh://git@|https?://|git://|git@)?(?P<host>[a-z0-9.-]+)(?::[0-9]+/|[:/])(scm/)?(?P<path>[\\w.-]+(?:/[\\w.-]+?)+)(?:\\.git|/)?$}i'} 
} %}

{{ response|json_encode }}

See twig expression syntax for details.

Click the "Save button"

Now if you call the url https://APP_URL/api/webhook-invoke/your-unique-name?token=<user>:<token> request will be forward to https://APP_URL/api/update-package?token=user:token with converted POST payload according to your rules.

Usage and Authentication

By default, admin user have access to all repositories and able to submit packages, create users, view statistics. The customer users can only see related packages and own profile with instruction how to use api token.

To authenticate composer access to repository needs add credentials globally into auth.json, for example:

composer config --global --auth http-basic.example.org <user> <token>

API Token you can found in your Profile.

Configure this private repository in your composer.json.

  "repositories": [{
      "type": "composer",
      "url": "https://packeton.company.com"
  "require": {
    "company/name1": "1.0.*",

Create admin and maintainer users.

Application Roles

You can create a user and then promote to admin or maintainer via console using fos user bundle commands.

php bin/console packagist:user:manager username --email=admin@example.com --password=123456 --admin # create admin user
php bin/console packagist:user:manager user1 --add-role=ROLE_MAINTAINER # Add ROLE_MAINTAINER to user user1