Django models to deploy river online machine learning. This is a Django version of chantilly that aims to use the same overall design. We also include example clients and a test application in tests. We also are developing an API client and early work on a specification that can be extended to other Python based servers intended for river.
See the ⭐️ Documentation ⭐️ to get started!
We use the all-contributors tool to generate a contributors graphic below.
<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- markdownlint-disable --> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Vanessasaurus"/><br /><sub><b>Vanessasaurus</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- markdownlint-restore --> <!-- prettier-ignore-end --> <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END -->