- Access Rule
- babel-plugin-react-transform
- Babel. I love all the new features of ECMAScript! And babel allows me to use those features right now.
- bcrypt.js
- blessed
- Chai is assertion library for all kinds of tests.
- chalk
- Cucumber is solution for acceptance and integration tests. It's using native language to describe application behavior.
- DataLoader
- ESLint keeps my internal perfectionist in comfort.
- Express is popular library to write HTTP servers without pain. All my HTTP servers are pretty simple so express fits for all my needs.
- extract-text-webpack-plugin
- fecha
- Fetch is promise-based HTTP client. I'm using isomorphic-fetch.
- Forever is used to restart backend server when code is changed by developer. Hot reload everywhere!
- gaze
- GraphQL is best solution to write truly flexible backend API.
- history
- husky
- Inquirer.js
- Intl.js
- Jed
- jsdom
- nconf
- Neo4j is very useful database for data that are weaves like a spider web. At first, its query language seems strange, but after a while comes the realization of all its power.
- node-uuid
- Passport
- PostCSS
- React Router
- React component library impressively reduces complexity of UI. For me it's not about speed, it's about clearly defined interfaces of all components.
- Redux DevTools
- redux-act
- redux-form
- Redux is managing local state of client application in functional way. Its way allows you forget about problems of state mutations and gives you many powerful abilities like time traveling.
- Relay
- reselect
- source-map-support
- Strulidator is my view on how should looks validator of complex nested structures.
- Webpack is very powerful tool that helps me build first-grade releases. Finest tool at current time but not simplest.