

VRChat World Project Template

This repo makes it easy to start a new VRChat World project!

<details> <summary>

I Wanna Go Fast

If you don't care about using source control and just want to make something quick:

  1. Download this Zip and unpack it somewhere.
  2. Go to "3. Open the Project" below.
</details> <details> <summary>

I Want To Use Source Control

This template is set up to easily make your own GitHub projects, and we highly recommend you take this route.


1. Make Your Own GitHub Project

Press Use This Template to start a new GitHub project, and follow the directions there. This is an optional step but gets you started with using GitHub for source control so you'll always have a backup.

2. Clone or Download the Project

If you're not ready to use git yet, you can download a zip of your project by pressing the "Code" button and then "Download Zip".

If you're familiar with git, use your favorite client or the command line to clone your repository.

</details> <details> <summary>

3. Open the Project


Use Unity 2022.3.22f1 to open the project. Press "OK" on the dialog that offers to download the required VRChat packages.


</details> <details> <summary>

4. Load the Example World


Find the "VRChat SDK" item in the menu bar at the top of the Unity Editor window, press it to open, then choose "Samples > UdonExampleScene".


Once the scene opens, choose "File > Save As..." and give the scene a new name.

Then modify the scene however you'd like - you learn about all the examples in the UdonExampleScene or learn about Getting Started with Udon.

</details> <details> <summary>

5. Test Your World


When you're ready to try out your World, find and choose the menu item "VRChat SDK > Show Control Panel".

</details> <details> <summary>

6. Publish Your World


When you're ready to publish your World so you can use it regularly:

Return to VRChat - open the "Worlds" menu, then scroll down to the section named "Mine". Choose your world from the list and press "Go" to check it out!
