

<h1 align="center"> A study on the distribution of social biases in self-supervised learning visual models </h1>

Number of biases at different values of the thresholding parameter

If you like our work, please cite us as: Kirill Sirotkin, Pablo Carballeira, and Marcos Escudero-Vinolo. A study on the distribution of social biases in self-supervised learning visual models. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 10442–10451, June 2022.


Run the code

In order to replicate the experiments:

  1. Install and activate the environment from ieat.yml.
  2. Download the test data used in the original iEAT framework and place it in ./bias_detection_code/data.
  3. Download the weights of the pretrained models from MMSelfSup and VISSL and places them in ./bias_detection/code/pretrains.
  4. Edit (according to which models you download) and run ./bias_detection_code/main.py
  5. Run ./process_results.py to visualize the bias-detection results.


This study has been supported by the Consejeŕıa de Educacíon e Investigacíon of the Comunidad de Madrid under Project SI1/PJI/2019-00414.