Fzf support for vim-floaterm
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }
Plug 'voldikss/fzf-floaterm'
Plug 'voldikss/vim-floaterm'
Get Started
Create New Pre-configured Floaterms
Using :Floaterms
not just for switching to existing terminals but also to
create new ones (with different config).
Define the different terminal types by a global variable
that we can set in .vimrc
for a root shell, fish
shell and a powershell terminal.
The key represents a unique identifier which must be non numerical (or at least outside the buffer number range). The options will be forwarded to floaterm itself, where cmd defines the command.
let g:fzf_floaterm_newentries = {
\ '+root' : {
\ 'title': 'Root Shell',
\ 'cmd': 'sudo sh' },
\ '+fish' : {
\ 'title': 'Fish Shell',
\ 'cmd': 'fish' },
\ '+pwsh' : {
\ 'title': 'Powershell',
\ 'cmd': 'pwsh' }
\ }
Get current working directory in vim
The plugin use indices and terminal working directory as fzf entries.
Neovim has b:buffer
variable for getting working directory of terminal, but vim must use Tapi_
to notify the information.
So you should add source /path/fzf-floaterm/macros/
to your .bashrc
or .zshrc
file in vim only.
Floaterm Fzf layout options
Define fzf layout by g:floatterm_fzf_layout
, exmaple is bellow.
let g:floatterm_fzf_layout = {
\ 'window': {
\ 'width': 0.9,
\ 'height': 0.6,
\ 'border': 'sharp',
\ 'highlight': 'FloatermBorder'
\ }