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🏥 PHPDoctor

Check PHP files or directories for missing types.

If you already use PHPStan for your type checks but sometimes someone in the team still commit non typed code, then PHPDoctor is for you.

Install via "phar" (recommended)


Install via "composer require"

composer require-dev voku/phpdoctor

Quick Start

  analyse [options] [--] <path...>

  path                                                                                   The path to analyse

      --autoload-file[=AUTOLOAD-FILE]                                                    The path to your autoloader. [default: ""]
      --access[=ACCESS]                                                                  Check for "public|protected|private" methods. [default: "public|protected|private"]
      --skip-ambiguous-types-as-error[=SKIP-AMBIGUOUS-TYPES-AS-ERROR]                    Skip check for ambiguous types. (false or true) [default: "false"]
      --skip-deprecated-functions[=SKIP-DEPRECATED-FUNCTIONS]                            Skip check for deprecated functions / methods. (false or true) [default: "false"]
      --skip-functions-with-leading-underscore[=SKIP-FUNCTIONS-WITH-LEADING-UNDERSCORE]  Skip check for functions / methods with leading underscore. (false or true) [default: "false"]
      --skip-parse-errors[=SKIP-PARSE-ERRORS]                                            Skip parse errors in the output. (false or true) [default: "true"]
      --path-exclude-regex[=PATH-EXCLUDE-REGEX]                                          Skip some paths via regex e.g. "#/vendor/|/other/.*/path/#i" [default: "#/vendor/|/tests/#i"]


Parse a string:

$code = '
<?php declare(strict_types = 1);   
class HelloWorld
     * @param mixed $date
    public function sayHello($date): void
        echo \'Hello, \' . $date->format(\'j. n. Y\');

$phpdocErrors = PhpCodeChecker::checkFromString($code);

// [8]: missing parameter type for HelloWorld->sayHello() | parameter:date']

Ignore errors

You can use <phpdoctor-ignore-this-line/> in @param or @return phpdocs to ignore the errors directly in your code.

 * @param mixed $lall <p>this is mixed but it is ok, because ...</p> <phpdoctor-ignore-this-line/>
 * @return array <phpdoctor-ignore-this-line/>
function foo_ignore($lall) {
    return $lall;

Building the PHAR file

Prepare: https://github.com/phar-io/phive

phive install humbug/box
php tools/box compile --debug


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For status updates and release announcements please visit Releases | Twitter | Patreon.

For professional support please contact me.
