


Time Slider Widget

A widget for CMV (http://cmv.io/). The Time Slider Widget provides controls that allow you to visualize time enabled layers. You can invoke it by clicking the Time Slider button under the Track Location button.

alt tag

Widget Configuration

Add the widget configuration object to the widgets object in viewer.js.

widgets: {
    timesliderTool: {
        include: true,
        id: 'timesliderTool',
        type: 'domNode',
        path: 'gis/dijit/TimeSlider',
        title: 'Time Slider',
        srcNodeRef: 'timeButton',
        options: {
            map: true,
            mapRightClickMenu: false,
            mapClickMode: true

Copy TimeSlider folder and TimeSlider.js to folder gis/dijit/ at your CMV installation.

Modify js/viewer/templates/mapOverlay.html file.

	<div style="position: absolute;left:19px;top:180px;z-index:40;">
        <div id="timeButton">