

<p align="center"> <img src="https://npkill.js.org/img/npkill-text-outlined.svg" width="320" alt="npkill logo" /> <img src="https://npkill.js.org/img/npkill-scope-mono.svg" width="50" alt="npkill logo scope" /> </p> <p align="center"> <img alt="npm" src="https://img.shields.io/npm/dy/npkill.svg"> <a href="#donations"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/donate-<3-red" alt="Donations Badge"/></a> <img alt="npm version" src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/npkill.svg"> <img alt="NPM" src="https://img.shields.io/npm/l/npkill.svg"> </p>

Easily find and remove old and heavy <font color="red">node_modules</font> folders :sparkles:

<p align="center"> <img src="/docs/npkill-demo-0.10.0.gif" alt="npkill demo GIF" /> </p>

This tool allows you to list any node_modules directories in your system, as well as the space they take up. You can then select which ones you want to erase to free up space. Yay!


We're making an effort to internationalize the Npkill docs. Here's a list of the available translations:

Table of Contents

<a name="features"></a>

:heavy_check_mark: Features

<a name="installation"></a>

:cloud: Installation

You don't really need to install it to use it! Simply use the following command:

$ npx npkill

Or if for some reason you really want to install it:

$ npm i -g npkill
# Unix users may need to run the command with sudo. Go carefully

NPKILL does not support node<v14. If this affects you you can use npkill@0.8.3

<a name="usage"></a>

:clipboard: Usage

$ npx npkill
# or just npkill if installed globally

By default, npkill will scan for node_modules starting at the path where npkill command is executed.

Move between the listed folders with <kbd></kbd> <kbd></kbd>, and use <kbd>Space</kbd> or <kbd>Del</kbd> to delete the selected folder. You can also use <kbd>j</kbd> and <kbd>k</kbd> to move between the results.

You can open the directory where the selected result is placed by pressing <kbd>o</kbd>.

To exit, <kbd>Q</kbd> or <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>c</kbd> if you're brave.

Important! Some applications installed on the system need their node_modules directory to work and deleting them may break them. NPKILL will highlight them by displaying a :warning: to be careful.

<a name="options"></a>


-c, --bg-colorChange row highlight color. (Available: blue, cyan, magenta, white, red and yellow)
-d, --directorySet the directory from which to begin searching. By default, starting-point is .
-D, --delete-allAutomatically delete all node_modules folders that are found. Suggested to be used together with -x.
-e, --hide-errorsHide errors if any
-E, --excludeExclude directories from search (directory list must be inside double quotes "", each directory separated by ',' ) Example: "ignore1, ignore2"
-f, --fullStart searching from the home of the user (example: "/home/user" in linux)
-gbShow folders in Gigabytes instead of Megabytes.
-h, --help, ?Show this help page and exit
-nu, --no-check-updateDon't check for updates on startup
-s, --sortSort results by: size, path or last-mod
-t, --targetSpecify the name of the directories you want to search (by default, is node_modules)
-x, --exclude-hidden-directoriesExclude hidden directories ("dot" directories) from search.
--dry-runIt does not delete anything (will simulate it with a random delay).
-v, --versionShow npkill version

Warning: In future versions some commands may change

<a name="examples"></a>


npkill -d ~/projects

# other alternative:
cd ~/projects
npkill --target dist -e
npkill --color magenta
npkill -d '~/more projects' -gb --sort size --target vendor
npkill -d 'projects' --exclude "progress, ignore-this"
npkill -d ~/backups/ --delete-all

<a name="setup-locally"></a>

:pager: Set Up Locally

# -- First, clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/voidcosmos/npkill.git

# -- Navigate to the dir
cd npkill

# -- Install dependencies
npm install

# -- And run!
npm run start

# -- If you want to run it with some parameter, you will have to add "--" as in the following example:
npm run start -- -f -e

<a name="roadmap"></a>

:crystal_ball: Roadmap

<a name="known-bugs"></a>

:bug: Known bugs :bug:

If you find any bugs, don't hesitate and open an issue :)

<a name="contributing"></a>

:revolving_hearts: Contributing

If you want to contribute check the CONTRIBUTING.md

<a name="donations"></a>

:coffee: Buy us a coffee

<img align="right" width="300" src="https://npkill.js.org/img/cat-donation-cup.png"> We have developed npkill in our free time, because we are passionate about the programming sector. Tomorrow we would like to dedicate ourselves to this, but first, we have a long way to go.

We will continue to do things anyway, but donations are one of the many ways to support what we do.

<span class="badge-opencollective"><a href="https://opencollective.com/npkill/contribute" title="Donate to this project using Open Collective"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/open%20collective-donate-green.svg" alt="Open Collective donate button" /></a></span>


A huge thank you to our backers :heart:

<a href="https://opencollective.com/npkill#backers" target="_blank"><img width="535" src="https://opencollective.com/npkill/tiers/backer.svg?width=535"></a>

Crypto alternative

<a name="license"></a>

:scroll: License

MIT © Nya García Gallardo and Juan Torres Gómez
