

<br /> <p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/vocdex/vocdex.github.io/blob/master/assets/img/icon.png" width="150" title="hover text"> </p> This repository is archived as of April 2024.


This codebase allows you:

Currently, labeling circles is done manually for each sensor. It can take up to an hour for annotating 30 images.
This codebase has a script that will replace manual labeling and model training process up to 10 mins.


Estimating object pose by fitting an ellipse (PCA and OpenCV):

<br /> <p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/vocdex/digit-depth/blob/main/assets/depthPCA.gif" width="400" title="depth"> </p>

Depth image point cloud :

<br /> <p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/vocdex/digit-depth/blob/main/assets/point-cloud.gif" width="400" title="point-cloud"> </p>

Marker movement tracking ( useful for force direction and magnitude estimation):

<br /> <p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/vocdex/digit-depth/blob/main/assets/markers.gif" width="400" title="marker"> </p>


Config files

There are a number of configs params to be edited before you can run the scripts. This is the rough execution order:


Be careful about python path. It is assumed that you run all the scripts from the package folder(/digit-depth)

After changing the config params, run the following scripts in the following order:

color2normal model will be saved to a separate folder "models" in /digit-depth/ with its datetime.


You can also try these ROS nodes to publish RGB image and maximum deformation value from depth images inside /scripts/ros folder:



I have modified/used the code from the following repos:

Feel free to post an issue and create PRs.