

<p> <a href="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/actions?query=workflow%3AAMD64%2DLinux%2DOSX%2DWindows%2Dtest"><img alt="GitHub MIR test status" src="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/workflows/AMD64%2DLinux%2DOSX%2DWindows%2Dtest/badge.svg"></a> <a href="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/actions?query=workflow%3Aapple%2Daarch64%2Dtest"><img alt="GitHub MIR test status on Apple Silicon" src="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/workflows/apple%2Daarch64%2Dtest/badge.svg"></a> <a href="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/actions?query=workflow%3Aaarch64%2Dtest"><img alt="GitHub MIR test status on aarch64" src="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/workflows/aarch64%2Dtest/badge.svg"></a> <a href="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/actions?query=workflow%3Appc64le%2Dtest"><img alt="GitHub MIR test status on ppc64le" src="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/workflows/ppc64le%2Dtest/badge.svg"></a> <a href="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/actions?query=workflow%3As390x%2Dtest"><img alt="GitHub MIR test status on s390x" src="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/workflows/s390x%2Dtest/badge.svg"></a> <a href="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/actions?query=workflow%3Ariscv64%2Dtest"><img alt="GitHub MIR test status on riscv64" src="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/workflows/riscv64%2Dtest/badge.svg"></a> <a href="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/actions?query=workflow%3AAMD64%2DLinux%2Dbench"><img alt="GitHub MIR benchmark status" src="https://github.com/vnmakarov/mir/workflows/AMD64%2DLinux%2Dbench/badge.svg"></a> </p>

MIR Project



MIR Example

#define Size 819000
int sieve (int N) {
  int64_t i, k, prime, count, n; char flags[Size];

  for (n = 0; n < N; n++) {
    count = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < Size; i++)
      flags[i] = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < Size; i++)
      if (flags[i]) {
        prime = i + i + 3;
        for (k = i + prime; k < Size; k += prime)
          flags[k] = 0;
  return count;
void ex100 (void) {
  printf ("sieve (100) = %d\", sieve (100));
m_sieve:  module
          export sieve
sieve:    func i32, i32:N
          local i64:iter, i64:count, i64:i, i64:k, i64:prime, i64:temp, i64:flags
          alloca flags, 819000
          mov iter, 0
loop:     bge fin, iter, N
          mov count, 0;  mov i, 0
loop2:    bge fin2, i, 819000
          mov u8:(flags, i), 1;  add i, i, 1
          jmp loop2
fin2:     mov i, 0
loop3:    bge fin3, i, 819000
          beq cont3, u8:(flags,i), 0
          add temp, i, i;  add prime, temp, 3;  add k, i, prime
loop4:    bge fin4, k, 819000
          mov u8:(flags, k), 0;  add k, k, prime
          jmp loop4
fin4:     add count, count, 1
cont3:    add i, i, 1
          jmp loop3
fin3:     add iter, iter, 1
          jmp loop
fin:      ret count
m_ex100:  module
format:   string "sieve (10) = %d\n"
p_printf: proto p:fmt, i32:result
p_sieve:  proto i32, i32:iter
          export ex100
          import sieve, printf
ex100:    func v, 0
          local i64:r
          call p_sieve, sieve, r, 100
          call p_printf, printf, format, r

Running MIR code

    /* ctx is a context created by MIR_init / MIR_init2 */
    MIR_load_module (ctx, m1); MIR_load_module (ctx, m2);
    MIR_load_external (ctx, "printf", printf);
    MIR_link (ctx, MIR_set_interp_interface, import_resolver);
    /* or use MIR_set_gen_interface to generate and use the machine code */
    /* or use MIR_set_lazy_gen_interface to generate function code on its 1st call */
    /* use MIR_gen (ctx, func) to explicitly generate the function machine code */
    MIR_interp (ctx, func, &result, 0); /* zero here is arguments number  */
    /* or ((void (*) (void)) func->addr) (); to call interpr. or gen. code through the interface */

Running binary MIR files on Linux through binfmt_misc

The mir-bin-run binary is prepared to be used from binfmt_misc with the following line (example):

echo $line > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register

Do adapt the mir-bin-run binary path to your system, that is the default one

And run with

c2m your-file.c -o your-file
chmod +x your-file
./your-file your args

The executable is "configurable" with environment variables:

Due to the tied nature of mir-bin-run with binfmt_misc, it may be a bit weird to call mir-bin-run directly. The P flag on the binfmt_misc passes an extra argument with the full path to the MIR binary.

The current state of MIR project

Current MIR

The possible future state of MIR project

Future MIR

MIR JIT compiler

C to MIR translation

Structure of the project code

Playing with current MIR project code

Current MIR Performance Data

[1] is based on wall time of compilation of C sieve code (w/o any include file and with using memory file system for GCC) and the corresponding MIR sieve code by MIR-interpreter and MIR-generator with optimization level 2

[2] is based on the best wall time of 10 runs with used MIR-generator optimization level 2

[3] is based on stripped sizes of cc1 for GCC and MIR core and interpreter or generator for MIR

[4] my estimation based only on files required for x86-64 GNU C compiler and MIR files for minimal program to create and run MIR code

Current C2MIR Performance Data

[1] is based on wall time of compilation of C sieve code (w/o any include file and with using memory file system for GCC)

[2] is based on the best wall time of 10 runs with used MIR-generator optimization level 2

[3] is based on stripped sizes of cc1 for GCC and C2MIR, MIR core, interpreter, and generator for MIR

[4] is based on all source files excluding tests

MIR project competitors

Porting MIR