


Makefile usage:

For testing your modules create source file containing main function.

If is your source file placed in project directory, testing program

should be compiled wihout problems.

Compile program by calling make in project directory.


For enable debugging macros compile program with -DDebug switch.

Or run build script that has debugging on.

When using makefile try using this command. It has useful aditional gcc switches and Debug enabled.

make -B FLAGS='-DDEBUG -g -Wstrict-prototypes -Wstrict-overflow=5 -Wwrite-strings -Wunreachable-code -Winit-self -Werror-implicit-function-declaration'



When using test make sure that your normal main(), not the one in tests.c is located in main.c file, not just under your current testing implementation.

Otherwise it cannot be filtred out and tests will yell. Two types of testing were implemented. Direct and by Script.

####Running tests directly:


####Using test script:

All tests are made automatic.

Output of tests is coloured to easily spot the error.

Run ./test in Bash

####Advanced testing:

Use script arguments to specify test:

Running project test located in directories/subdirectories:

Adding tests to script:

If you want to add new test that you just implemented:

1.   Open script.

2.   Add keyword to array.

2.1. If needed, add keyword to array that will redirect test output to file.

3.   Use.

1337 IFJ projectis