

Hex-Rays Block Highlighter - Highlight blocks in IDA Pseudocode windows



Hex-Rays Block Highlighter is an IDA Pro plugin to highlight code blocks in the Hex-Rays decompiler output.

In some cases the decompilation output can be quite hairy with lots of nested blocks and it can be hard to follow where one ends and the other begins. This plugin will highlight blocks in a sticky way, allowing one to navigate within the window while keeping the block highlight around.


Hex-Rays Block Highlighter is an IDAPython plugin with no external dependencies. As such, it should work on all platforms supported by IDA.

Method 1: copying files

Copy the contents of the plugins directory into your IDA plugins directory and restart IDA.

Method 2: the IDAUSR variable

You could add an entry to your IDAUSR environment variables pointing to the root directory of this project.


  1. cd /Users/bob/tmp
  2. git clone https://github.com/vmallet/ida-hex-highlighter.git
  3. ADD /Users/bob/tmp/ida-hex-highlighter to your IDAUSR environment variable, and restart IDA


In a Pseudocode window:
