

Lumen - Slackin

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A Slack Invitator made with Lumen Framework and inspired by rauchg/slackin.

That application uses some of my awesome packages:

Download the source

composer create-project vluzrmos/lumen-slackin


Copy <code>.env.example</code> to <code>.env</code> and:

Change the <code>APP_KEY</code> to something random string with max 32 characters.

Change the <code>SLACK_TOKEN</code> to the token of your user on slack team, with admin privilegies, you can get it on Slack Web API.



Start the queue listener:

php artisan queue:listen --timeout=240 1>> /dev/null 2>&1 &

That will start the queue listener in background on *nix computers, to stop that you need to know how to kill a job on your system.

Its hight recomended run the queue on system startup, on linux you should add the following lines to your crontab:

@reboot php /path/to/that/project/artisan queue:listen --timeout=240 1>> /dev/null 2>&1

Scheduled Tasks (Optional)

You may also need to add that command to your cronjob, that will update the users status on every minute:

* * * * *  php /path/to/that/project/artisan schedule:run 1>> /dev/null 2>&1

That will make your queue run in background and ignoring error messages.

Note: If you do not want to use that feature, you just need to set the environment variable SLACK_STATUS_ENABLED to false on your .env file, that will hide the message about users active (online/total) of your team on the homepage:


HTTP Server

Start the http server:

php artisan serve

By default, artisan serve starts on port 8000, if you want to modify it, just starts it by passing <code>--port=NUMBER</code> or just make a VirtualHost on your server (Apache or Nginx) with DocumentRoot on <code>/path/to/that/project/public/</code> path.

Badge is available

If your need a badge to your slack invitator, just use:

<img src="http://your-domain/badge.svg" />

Example: Laravel Brasil

Multi-Language Support

By default the system will try to detect if the browser language is available on <code>resources/lang</code>, if available will setup. Available languages:

Mobile Devices

That project uses Twitter Bootstrap 3, and it is compatible on small devices.

Using Lumen Slackin

Your team are using this project? Put your link here:

Note: Consider to send a PR to master branch.
