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mysql-live-select emits Node.js events when a MySQL query result set changes.

It works by monitoring table row changes written to the MySQL binary log. Each row change is passed to a user-defined trigger function. When the trigger function returns true, its associated query is re-run and the result set is diffed with the previous result set.

NOTE: This version of mysql-live-select differs from numtel's original package in that result sets are treated as dictionaries rather than arrays. The original package's diffing emits incorrect (with respect to the primary key) events when rows are inserted or deleted at any position other than the end of the array. In this version, the identity of each row is determined by a LiveMysqlKeySelector that is passed into the select function. The most common use case is LiveMysqlKeySelector.Columns([primary_key_column]), which ensures that row insertions and deletions are detected based on the value of primary_key_column.

There are other changes and additional features. See below for more details.

Built using vlasky's fork of zongji Binlog Tailer and node-mysql2.

This package has been tested to work in MySQL 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 and 8. Expected to support all MySQL server versions >= 5.1.15.


LiveMysql Constructor

The LiveMysql constructor creates up to 3 connections to your MySQL database:

When connection pooling is enabled, additional connections are created as needed. The pool is exposed via the pool property (while db is undefined).


settingsobjectAn object defining the settings. In addition to the node-mysql connection settings and pool settings, the additional settings below are available.
callbackfunctionDeprecated: callback on connection success/failure. Accepts one argument, error. See information below about events emitted.

Additional Settings

serverIdintegerUnique number (1 - 2<sup>32</sup>) to identify this replication slave instance. Must be specified if running more than one instance.<br>Default: 1
poolbooleanIf true, LiveMysql creates a pool rather than a single connection for SELECT queries.
minIntervalintegerPass a number of milliseconds to use as the minimum between result set updates. Omit to refresh results on every update. May be changed at runtime.
checkConditionWhenQueuedbooleanSet to true to call the condition function of a query on every binlog row change event. By default (when undefined or false), the condition function will not be called again when a query is already queued to be refreshed. Enabling this can be useful if external caching of row changes.

Events Emitted

Use .on(...) to handle the following event types.

Event NameArgumentsDescription
errorErrorAn error has occurred.
readyNoneThe database connection is ready.

Quick Start

// Example:
var liveConnection = new LiveMysql(settings);
var id = 11;

liveConnection.select('select * from players where `id` = ?', [id],
LiveMysqlKeySelector.Index(), [ {
  table: table,
  condition: function(row, newRow){
    // Only refresh the results when the row matching the specified id is
    // changed.
    return row.id === id
      // On UPDATE queries, newRow must be checked as well
      || (newRow && newRow.id === id);
} ]).on('update', function(diff, data){
  // diff contains an object describing the difference since the previous update
  // data contains an array of rows of the new result set

See example.js for full source...

LiveMysql.prototype.select(query, values, keySelector, triggers)

querystringSELECT SQL statement.
valuesobjectPlaceholder values for query. This can be null or undefined.
keySelectorLiveMysqlKeySelectorThe type of key to use for identifying rows.
triggers[object]Array of objects defining which row changes to update result set.

Returns LiveMysqlSelect object.

Escaping queries

To manually escape identifiers and strings, call escape or escapeId in the LiveMysql object.

This should be avoided. Use the values parameter instead.

Key selectors

LiveMysqlKeySelector.Index()Uses the row index as the key. This means that the result set is treated as an array.
LiveMysqlKeySelector.Columns([column1,column2,...])Uses one or more columns as the key.
LiveMysqlKeySelector.Func(keyFunc)Uses a function taking row and index to determine the key for a row.

Trigger options

tablestringName of table (required)
databasestringName of database (optional)<br>Default: database setting specified on connection
conditionfunctionEvaluate row values (optional)

Condition Function

A condition function accepts up to three arguments:

Argument NameDescription
rowTable row data
newRowNew row data (only available on UPDATE queries, null for others)
rowDeletedExtra argument for aid in external caching: true on DELETE queries, false on INSERT queries, null on UPDATE queries.

Return true when the row data meets the condition to update the result set.


Temporarily skip processing of updates from the binary log.


Begin processing updates after pause(). All active live select instances will be refreshed upon resume.


Close connections and stop checking for updates.

LiveMysql.applyDiff(data, diff)

Exposed statically on the LiveMysql object is a function for applying a diff given in an update event to a dictionary of rows given in the data argument.

LiveMysqlSelect object

Each call to the select() method on a LiveMysql object, returns a LiveMysqlSelect object with the following methods:

Method NameArgumentsDescription
on, addListenerevent, handlerAdd an event handler to the result set. See the following section for a list of the available event names.
invalidateNoneCauses the result set to be updated as soon as possible, but at an unspecified time in the future. When this occurs, the update event will be triggered.
stopNoneStop receiving updates
activeNoneReturn true if ready to recieve updates, false if stop() method has been called.

As well as all of the other methods available on EventEmitter...

Available Events

Event NameArgumentsDescription
updatediff, dataFirst argument contains an object describing the difference since the previous update event with added, changed, and removed rows. Second argument contains complete result set as a dictionary.
errorerrorUnhandled errors will be thrown

Running Tests

Tests must be run with a properly configured MySQL server. Configure test settings in test/settings/mysql.js.

Execute Nodeunit using the npm test command.
