

Misspell Fixer

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Utility to fix common misspellings, typos in source code. There are lots of typical misspellings in program code. Typically they are more eye-catching in the living code but they can easily hide in comments, examples, samples, notes and documentation. With this utility you can fix a large number of them very quickly.

Be aware that the utility does not check or fix file names. It could easily happen that a misspelled word is fixed in a file name in a program's code, but the file itself will not be renamed by this utility.

It is also important to be very careful when fixing public APIs!

A manual review is always needed to verify that nothing has been broken.

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misspell-fixer	[OPTION] target[s]

Options, Arguments

target[s] can be any file[s] or directory/ies.

Main options:

Performance note: -s, -v or the lack of -n or -r use a slower processing internal loop. So usually -frn without -s and -v are the highest performing combination.

Output control options:

By default only a subset of rules is enabled (around 100). You can enable more rules with the following options:

The processing speed decreases as you activate more rules. But with newer greps this is much less significant.

File filtering options:

Whitelisting files/entries:

Misspell-fixer automatically ignores the issues matching to the patterns listed in .misspell-fixer.ignore or .github/.misspell-fixer.ignore. The format of this file follows the prefiltering's temporary result format:

^filename:line number:matched word

The ignore file is interpreted as a grep exclusion list. It is applied after the prefiltering step as a set of grep expressions. So it is possible to exclude any prefixes or more specifically whole files with keeping only their file names:


Or a directory:


The entries are listed/matched with the paths based on the current invocation. Reaching the same target with a different path from the same working directory will not apply the whitelisted entries generated from the other invocation. In directory x the whitelist entries generated with target . will not be applied for target ../x, although they are the same. There is a workaround for this with manually editing the whitelist to your needs. (Patches are welcome...)

Return values

Generally, the script tries to return with 0 if there were no typos or errors found/fixed.

Sample usage

Without arguments, the script will not change anything and its output is minimal. Its return value can be used to detect whether it found any typos or not.

$ misspell-fixer target

Fixing the files with displaying each fixed file:

$ misspell-fixer -rv target

Showing only the diffs without modifying the originals:

$ misspell-fixer -sv target

Showing the diffs with progress and fixing the found typos:

$ misspell-fixer -rsv target

Fast mode example, no backups: (highest performance)

$ misspell-fixer -frn target

The previous with all rules enabled:

$ misspell-fixer -frunRVD target

It is based on the following sources for common misspellings:

With Docker

In some environments the dependencies may cause some trouble. (Mac, Windows, older linux versions.) In this case, you can use misspell-fixer as a docker container image.

Pull the latest version:

$ docker pull vlajos/misspell-fixer

And fix targetdir's content:

$ docker run -ti --rm -v targetdir:/work vlajos/misspell-fixer -frunRVD .

Some other different use cases, examples:

General execution directly with docker:

$ docker run -ti --rm -v targetdir:/work vlajos/misspell-fixer [arguments]

targetdir becomes the current working directory in the container, so you can reference it as . in the arguments list.

You can also use the dockered-fixer wrapper from the source repository:

$ dockered-fixer [arguments]

In case your shell supports functions, you can define a function to make the command a little shorter:

$ function misspell-fixer { docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd):/work vlajos/misspell-fixer "$@"; }

And fixing with the function:

$ misspell-fixer [arguments]

Through the wrapper and the function, it can access only the folders below the current working directory as it is the only one passed to the container as a volume.

You can build the container locally, although this should not be really needed:

$ docker build . -t misspell-fixer

With GitHub Actions

There's a GitHub Action to run misspell-fixer as well. It can even send PRs automatically with the fixes.

Dependencies - "On the shoulders of giants"

The script itself is just a misspelling database and some glue in bash between grep and sed. grep's -F combined with sed's line targeting makes the script quite efficient. -F enables parallel pattern matching with the Aho–Corasick algorithm . Unfortunately only the newer (2.28+) versions of grep supports -w properly.

A little more comprehensive list:


Original source


Feel free to use it!