

<p align="center"> <a href="https://shelf.io/"> <img alt="Docker in Lambda" src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/2000/1*BgGp8L5W7SWeoT_tAo9zxA.png" width="800"> </a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://medium.com/@vladholubiev/how-did-i-hack-aws-lambda-to-run-docker-containers-7184dc47c09b"> Read this blog post on Medium for details: How Did I “Hack” AWS Lambda to Run Docker Containers </a> </p>

Show me the code

ubuntu-demo.sh script is in the repo. It will run an example command cat /etc/os-release which shows it's a real Ubuntu.

How can I run it?

If you want to use it in the project, just spawn a process with the script in any language you prefer.

Or you can try it right away with lambdash:

$ lambdash "export HO... # paste code below"


export HOME=/tmp
export UDOCKER_DIR=/tmp
export UDOCKER_BIN=/tmp
export UDOCKER_LIB=/tmp

cd /tmp

# Installation
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/indigo-dc/udocker/udocker-fr/udocker.py > udocker
python udocker version

# Pull the image
python udocker pull ubuntu:17.04

# Setup a container
python udocker create --name=ubuntu ubuntu:17.04
python udocker setup --execmode=F1 ubuntu

# Run it!
python udocker run ubuntu cat /etc/os-release

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