2D lowpoly editor heavily based on this one
This project uses:
In VS2013/2015 (untested on anything else) the build must be set to "Release" instead of "Debug".
The project looks for libraries to link against in the /include/ and /lib/ directories. Include and lib are in the repo for VS2013 - if you have any other compiler, drop the SFML and jsoncpp include directories in the project's include directories, and do the same for the lib, and it should compile; make sure to switch the dlls out as well.
It has been tested on VS2013 and VS2015 - just switch out the libs/dlls for the corresponding ones for your compiler.
Controls are very similar to the editor it's based on, with a few changes. Panning works without a mouse.
- Mouse controls
- Left click: Place point/select point
- Right click: Select polygon with center nearest to mouse
- Middle (scrollwheel) click: Pan camera
- Keyboard controls
- S: Save image
- Camera
- LControl: Identical to middle mouse - pan camera while held
- Arrow keys: Move camera
- +/-: Zoom
- Editor toggles
- W: Wireframe mode, only show colored outlines
- H: Hide/show background image
- X: Hide/show polygon centers (useful for seeing density/distribution and easier selection)
- P: Hide/show polygon points
- Selection tools
- Delete: Delete selection
- Space: Clear selection
- Coloring tools
- A: Reaverage polygon color (useful for small changes that keep the same general color but add slight change)
- O: Change polygon color to color at mouse point
- C: Open color picker to select color
- Overlapping
- Comma: Send selection to back
- Period: Send selection to front
Antialiasing levels are supported, just launch the exe with a number after it for the AA level.
polyedit 8
for 8x AA.
It theoretically should work on all platforms, however it's only been tested on windows.
Resizing is supported and should work but occasionally glitches.
Images are saved on exit.
Any point outside the boundary has the color of the closest in-image-boundary point - triangles made outside the image bounds should get correct colors.
Saving pushes all out-of-bounds points inbound.
The editor only recognizes the vertices file if it is in the same directory as the image with the same name.
MIT License.