



Gitter dev:, master:

Provides easy access to orientdb from Sails.js & Waterline.

The adapter in early development stages, pull requests are welcome

The adapter automatically creates edges between model instances with the help of associations information available from Collection instance

This module is a Waterline/Sails adapter, an early implementation of a rapidly-developing, tool-agnostic data standard. Its goal is to provide a set of declarative interfaces, conventions, and best-practices for integrating with all sorts of data sources. Not just databases-- external APIs, proprietary web services, or even hardware.

Strict adherence to an adapter specification enables the (re)use of built-in generic test suites, standardized documentation, reasonable expectations around the API for your users, and overall, a more pleasant development experience for everyone.


To install this adapter, run:

$ npm install sails-orientdb


This adapter exposes the following methods:


Creates edge between specified two model instances by ID in the form parameters "@from" and "@to"


//Assume a model named "Post"
Post.createEdge('#12:1','#13:1',{'@class':'Comments'},function(err, result){


Deletes edges between specified two model instances by ID in the form parameters "@from" and "@to"


//Assume a model named "Post"
Post.deleteEdges('#12:1','#13:1',null,function(err, result){


Example Model definitions


 * User Model
 * The User model represents the schema of authentication data
module.exports = {

    // Enforce model schema in the case of schemaless databases
    schema: true,
    tableName: 'User',
    attributes: {
        id: {
            type: 'string',
            primaryKey: true,
            columnName: '@rid'
        username: {
            type: 'string',
            unique: true
        email: {
            type: 'email',
            unique: true
        profile: {
            collection: 'Profile',
            via: 'user',
            edge: 'userProfile'

Profile Model to be associated with User model

 * Profile.js
 * @description :: TODO: You might write a short summary of how this model works and what it represents here.
 * @docs        :: http://sailsjs.org/#!documentation/models

module.exports = {
    tableName: 'Profile',
    attributes: {
        id: {
            type: 'string',
            primaryKey: true,
            columnName: '@rid'
        user: {
            model: "User",
            required: true
        familyName: {
            type: 'string'
        givenName: {
            type: 'string'
        profilePic: {
            type: 'string'

An edge names userProfile would be created between user and profile model instances whenever an instance of profile model is saved with user attribute having id of user instance.

Check out Connections in the Sails docs, or see the config/connections.js file in a new Sails project for information on setting up adapters.

Sample connection configuration in connection.js

If databas doesn't exist adapter will attempt to create a new one

localOrientDB: {
        adapter: 'sails-orientdb',
        database: {
            name: 'dataBaseName'
        username: "userName",
        password: "password"


See FAQ.md.

More Resources


MIT © 2014 vjsrinath & [thanks to] balderdashy, Mike McNeil, Balderdash & contributors

Sails is free and open-source under the MIT License.

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