


This addon wraps webfonts-generator to allow you to easily generate webfonts as part of your ember build process.


ember install ember-cli-webfont


By default the addon expects to find your SVG files in app/webfont-svg and will add CSS classes to your generated CSS.

To use the icons you just need to give an element these classes e.g.

<span class="iconfont iconfont-ember"></span>

Will display the SVG from app/webfont-svg/ember.svg (with the default values for path, classPrefix and baseSelector - see below).


You can configure the behaviour of the addon by passing a hash of options when initialising your ember app. The names of parameters and default options are shown below:

var app = new EmberApp({
  webfont: {
    path: 'app/webfont-svg/',
    options: {
      files: ['**/*.svg'],
      dest: 'assets/webfonts/',
      fontName: 'iconfont',
      cssDest: 'temp/ember-cli-webfont.css',
      cssFontsUrl: 'webfonts/',
      cssTemplate: webfont.templates.css,
      templateOptions: {
        classPrefix: 'iconfont-',
        baseSelector: '.iconfont'

Documentation on these options can be found on the webfonts-generator repository.

Additionally the cssDest option can go through some extra processing. If left out, the default value is temp/ember-cli-webfont.css and the resulting file will be imported into vendor.css automatically. Otherwise it has to be imported manually. The latter is useful when using Sass, LESS, or other CSS preprocessors.

Developing addon



Running Tests


For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.