

<div align="center"> <h1 align="center"> <strong>InstructHumans</strong> <br> Editing Animated 3D Human Textures with Instructions </h1> <p> <a href="https://jyzhu.top/instruct-humans/data/InstructHumans.pdf" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Paper-21759b.svg?logo=adobeacrobatreader&logoColor=white" height="25px"></a> <a href=https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.04037 target="_blank"><img src=https://img.shields.io/badge/arXiv-b5212f.svg?logo=arxiv height=25px></a> <a href="https://jyzhu.top/instruct-humans/" target="_blank"><img src= https://img.shields.io/badge/Project%20Page-bb8a2e.svg?logo=github height=25px></a> <br> <a href="https://wakatime.com/badge/user/7974bf3e-99a6-4d26-8e4b-38ca6d5c9c64/project/f1416cf1-e536-442f-ac24-15d02a21d2c1"><img src="https://wakatime.com/badge/user/7974bf3e-99a6-4d26-8e4b-38ca6d5c9c64/project/f1416cf1-e536-442f-ac24-15d02a21d2c1.svg" alt="wakatime"></a> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/languages/top/viridityzhu/InstructHumans?style&color=5D6D7E" alt="GitHub top language" /> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/languages/code-size/viridityzhu/InstructHumans?style&color=5D6D7E" alt="GitHub code size in bytes" /> </p> </div> <p align="center"> <a href="https://jyzhu.top/" target="_blank">Jiayin Zhu</a><sup>1</sup>,&nbsp; <a href="https://www.mu4yang.com/" target="_blank">Linlin Yang</a><sup>2</sup>,&nbsp; <a href="https://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~ayao/" target="_blank">Angela Yao</a><sup>1,&#x2709</sup>;</a> <br> <a href="https://cvml.comp.nus.edu.sg" target="_blank">Computer Vision & Machine Learning Group</a>, National University of Singapore <sup>1</sup> <br/> Communication University of China <sup>2</sup> <br/> <sup>&#x2709;</sup> Corresponding Author </p>


📑 Abstract

<p align="center"> InstructHumans edits 3D human textures with instructions. It maintains avatar consistency and enables easy animation. <img src="assets/aim.gif" alt="teaser2"> </p>

📍 InstructHumans Results

<h3 align="center"> Editing gallery </h3>

Left to right: Original, "Turn the person into a clown", "Turn the person into Lord Voldemort", "Put the person in a suit", "A bronze statue".

<img src="assets/grid_output.gif" alt="teaser2"> InstructHumans produce high-fidelity editing results, that align with editing instructions, while faithfully preserving the details of original avatars. <h3 align="center"> Animation </h3> <img src="assets/1x4_grid_output.gif" alt="teaser2"> Edited avatars can be easily animated!

📦 Installation

Our code has been tested with PyTorch 2.0.1, CUDA 11.7. But other versions should also be fine.

📂 Data preparation

  1. Download the CustomHumans dataset here. We use their provided pretrained checkpoint. Put it into the checkpoints folder in the following structure:
  1. Download SMPL-X models and move them to the smplx folder in the following structure:
    ├── SMPLX_NEUTRAL.pkl
    ├── SMPLX_NEUTRAL.npz
    ├── SMPLX_MALE.pkl
    ├── SMPLX_MALE.npz
    ├── SMPLX_FEMALE.pkl
    └── SMPLX_FEMALE.npz

🎲 3D Human Editing


In google drive link, we provide our pre-trained checkpoints, pre-processed data, and an example animation motion.


This pre-process helps speed up the editing. In the previous link, we provide a prepared data file for human id 32 for a quick start.

The data file can be specified by --traced_points_data_root prepared_tracing.h5 when editing.

To prepare the data for other human IDs, use the following:

python -m tools.prepare_tracing --subject_list [9,15]

--subject_list [] specifies subject ids to be processed. Processing one subject takes around 30 minutes. (This will pre-sample intermediate results of ray tracing for each human subject and cache them in a h5 file. This way, we can avoid repeating ray tracing and extremely speed up the editing procedure.)

Edit human with instructions

Run the below command, and you will edit the sample human (id 32 in the dataset) into a clown:

python edit.py --instruction "Turn him into a clown" --id 32

Here are some configuration flags you can use; otherwise you can find full default settings in config.yaml and descriptions in lib/utils/config.py:

Test a trained checkpoint

python -m test.test_cp \
    --edit_checkpoint_file "checkpoints/test/elf32.pth.tar" \
    --instruction "Turn him into Tolkien Elf" \
    --id 32 \
    --caption_ori "A photo of a person" --caption_tgt "A photo of a Tolkien Elf"
    --cal-metric 1 \
    --render-more 0

▶️ Demo for animating an edited human

  1. Prepare SMPL-X models with desired poses. For example, you can download the MotionX dataset, and use tools/load_motionx_smplx.py to convert its SMPL-X JSON data into .obj files. We've provided an example motion clip in the checkpoints link.

    Example usage:

    python tools/load_motionx_smplx.py -i test/motionX_example
  2. Reposing and rendering, usage:

    python -m test.drive_motion \
        --id 9 # subject id (only affect the geometry) \
        --load_edit_checkpoint True \
        --edit_checkpoint_file checkpoints/joker9/checkpoint_step1000.pth.tar  # texture checkpoint \
        --motion-folder test/motionX_example/Electrician_dancing # many obj files defining the motion, prepared in step 1 \
        --output-name joker9 # output folder's name \
        --n_views 4 # rendered views per frame \

    Once done, you'll get generated rendered per frame images as well as an mp4 video in test/outputs/.

📄 Citation

If you found this repository/our paper useful, please consider citing:

         author={Zhu, Jiayin and Yang, Linlin and Yao, Angela},
         title={InstructHumans: Editing Animated 3D Human Textures with Instructions},
         journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.04037},

👏 Acknowledgement

We sincerely thank the authors for their awesome works in editable-humans and instruct-nerf2nerf!