Awesome Cucumber
A curated list of awesome Cucumber and Gherkin-related resources <img src="" align="right" width="200">
To contribute, please ensure that you follow the contribution guidelines.
- Articles, Tutorials & Posts
- Tools, Libraries & Frameworks
- Case Studies & Projects using Cucumber
- Videos
- Alternatives
- Related Awesome Lists
- Contributing
- Code of Conduct
- License
Articles, Tutorials & Resources
Blog posts and articles about using Cucumber with other tools.
- BDD in DevOps: An Example of BDD in Continuous Integration | Whiteboard Friday
- Be Da Developer, Cucumber on Android
- - Official Documentation for Cucumber
- Cucumber BDD (Part 1): Starting with Feature Mapping
- E2E Testing with Protractor , Cucumber using TypeScript!
- End-to-end testing Single Page Apps and Node.js APIs with Cucumber.js and Puppeteer
Tools, Libraries & Frameworks
These were built on top of Cucumber and provide a BDD ecosystem.
- Cluecumber Report Maven Plugin - This plugin creates aggregated test reports from Cucumber compatible JSON files that are generated by Cucumber BDD, Karate and other frameworks.
- Cucable Maven Plugin - Cucable is a Maven plugin for Cucumber scenarios that simplifies fine-grained and efficient parallel test runs.
- Cucumber.js - Cucumber.js is the JavaScript implementation of Cucumber and runs on the maintained Node.js versions and modern web browsers.
- Cucumber Reports Plugin - This is a Java Jenkins plugin which publishes pretty html reports showing the results of cucumber runs.
- CukeLinter - This gem provides linting functionality for Feature files.
- HTML reports for Cucumber - This is a Java report publisher primarily created to publish cucumber reports on the Jenkins build server. It publishes pretty html reports with charts showing the results of cucumber runs.
- Karate - Web services testing framework based on Cucumber-JVM.
- ReportBuilder - Ruby gem to merge Cucumber JSON reports and build mobile-friendly HTML Test Report, JSON report and retry file.
- RestQA - All-in-one API test automation framework with a great developer experience. Based on Cucumber.
Case Studies & Projects using Cucumber
See how other teams and projects use Cucumber for their needs.
- Behaviour Driven Development - Case study in Nordea
- Whitepapers: Successful Project with Behavior-Driven Development
Talks, sessions, webinars about Cucumber.
Some alternatives to Cucumber.
- Spinach - BDD framework on top of Gherkin.
Related Awesome Lists
Other Awesome Lists related to the domain of testing or testing tools.
- The Original - The awesome list of awesome lists.
- Awesome Software Quality - A list of free software testing and verification resources.
- Awesome Testing - A curated list of testing software, extensions and resources.
- Awesome Selenium - A curated list of delightful Selenium resources.
Contributions welcome! Please read the Awesome Cucumber contribution guidelines first.
Code of Conduct
See the Code of Conduct for details. Basically it comes down to:
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
To the extent possible under law, the contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. See the license file for details.