

dependency status

<h1 align="center">nh</h1> <h6 align="center">Because the name "yet-another-<u>n</u>ix-<u>h</u>elper" was too long to type...</h1>

What does it do?

NH reimplements some basic nix commands. Adding functionality on top of the existing solutions, like nixos-rebuild, home-manager cli or nix itself.

As the main features:

<p align="center"> <img alt="build: passing" src="./.github/screenshot.png" width="800px" > </p>



nh is available in nixpkgs:

NixOS module

The NixOS module has some niceties, like an alternative to nix.gc.automatic which also cleans XDG profiles, result and direnv GC roots.

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  programs.nh = {
    enable = true;
    clean.enable = true;
    clean.extraArgs = "--keep-since 4d --keep 3";
    flake = "/home/user/my-nixos-config";

FLAKE environment variable

nh uses the FLAKE environment variable as the default flake to use for its operations. This can be configured by whichever method you want, or use the programs.nh.flake NixOS option.

Specialisations support

nh is capable of detecting which specialisation you are running, so it runs the proper activation script. To do so, you need to give nh some information of the spec that is currently running by writing its name to /etc/specialisation. The config would look like this:

{config, pkgs, ...}: {
  specialisation."foo".configuration = {
    environment.etc."specialisation".text = "foo";
    # ..rest of config

  specialisation."bar".configuration = {
    environment.etc."specialisation".text = "bar";
    # ..rest of config


Just nix develop. We also provide an .envrc for direnv.