

bitwise: NIF examples showing Erlang scheduler concerns

The bitwise module implements several Erlang Native Implemented Functions (NIFs) intended to show several different effects NIFs can have on Erlang scheduler threads. The module supplies several variants of a function exor/2 that takes a binary and a byte value and applies exclusive-or of that byte to every byte in the binary and returns a new binary of the resulting values. These variants operate as follows:

This code was originally presented at Chicago Erlang, 22 Sep 2014. The code has evolved since that talk, including a fix for the example of how enif_consume_timeslice() and enif_schedule_nif() are used together. In the Chicago Erlang presentation, the code presented for this area miscalculated timeslice percentages; this has been fixed. The slides have been updated to include this fix as well, which means the slides here, in the file vinoski-opt-native-code.pdf, differ from those originally presented.

This code was also presented at CodeMesh 2014, 5 Nov 2014. The slides for that talk, which are in the file vinoski-schedulers.pdf, include more details than those for the Chicago Erlang talk, specifically about a possible dirty driver API.

Long Scheduling

A useful Erlang feature not shown in the code or the Chicago Erlang slides, but mentioned in the CodeMesh slides, is the ability to detect when native code spends too much time on a regular scheduler thread by calling erlang:system_monitor/2 with the {long_schedule, Time} option. For example, the following code can be interactively run in an Erlang shell to cause the shell to receive messages when any NIFs execute on a regular scheduler thread for 10ms or more:

1> erlang:system_monitor(self(), [{long_schedule, 10}]).

If any NIF executions meet or exceed the 10ms limit, the shell will receive messages similar to the following:

2> spawn(fun() -> bitwise:exor(LargeBinary, 16#5A) end).
3> flush().
Shell got {monitor,<0.39.0>,long_schedule,

Here, the {timeout, 6018} portion of the message shows that bitwise:exor/2 executed for slightly more than 6 seconds.

See the erlang:system_monitor/2 documentation for more details.