

Stating the obvious: using the REPL to live-reload a running website

Well all know that we can start a web server in the REPL and develop a web app as interactively as any other app, we know how to connect to a remote Lisp image by starting a Swank server and how to interact with it from our favorite editor on our machine, we know we can build a self-contained binary of the web app and simply run it, but one thing I had not realized, despite being the basics, is that by starting the web app with sbcl --load app.lisp, we are dropped into the regular Lisp REPL, with the web server running in its own thread (as in development mode, but unlike with the binary), and that we can consequently interact with the running app.

As a demonstration, you can clone this repository and run the example like this:

* rlwrap sbcl --load run.lisp

This is SBCL 1.4.5.debian, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp.
re information about SBCL is available at <http://www.sbcl.org/>.
; Loading "web-live-reload"
Starting the web server on port 7890
Ready. You can access the application!

it will load project.asd, install 3 Quicklisp dependencies (you must have Quicklisp installed), start Hunchentoot on port 7890, and drop us into a REPL.

You'll get this:

The template prints the *config* variable, which you can change in the REPL:

* (in-package :web-live-reload)
* (setf *config*
    '((:key "Name"
       :val "James")
      (:key "phone"
       :val "0098 007")
      (:key "secret language?"
       :val "Lisp")))

refresh, and voilà, your new config is live.

For functions, it is just the same (redefine the function fn that returns a string, if you want to try).

If a file changes (for example after a git pull), compile it with a usual load: (load "src/web.lisp").

You can also reload all the app with (ql:quickload :myproject), which will install the dependencies, without needing to restart the running image.

I was looking for a way to reload a user's config and personal data from a running website, and this has proved very practical. I have no downtime, it is pure Lisp, it is the workflow I am used to. I am more cautious on using this to recompile the whole app, even though I did it without glitches so far. The thing to not do is to change the global state manually, aka to develop in production!

That's all, but that made my day.

Bonus points:

How to live-reload your Common Lisp web app: after deployment, the app running on your VPS

We connect to a Swank server (or keep a tmux session alive, or use signals).

More: How to deploy a web application so that I can modify its code, while it is running?

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Project skeleton:


Hell, yes, Common Lisp.