


No Maintenance Intended

Montagu Reporting API

See spec.md for the full API specification.


System requirements:

  1. Make sure you check out recursively, using git clone --recursive URL.

  2. Install Docker and add your user to the Docker group (e.g. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-ubuntu-16-04.) You may need to restart your machine for group changes to take effect.

  3. Configure your Docker client to use our registry by following instructions here: https://github.com/vimc/montagu-registry/tree/master#login

    This is where you will need to have Vault installed, and the VAULT_ADDR variable specified, e.g. by adding export VAULT_ADDR='https://support.montagu.dide.ic.ac.uk:8200' to your profile using sudo nano ~/.profile

  4. Run all dependencies (API, DB, Orderly Server, etc.) with ./dev/run-dependencies.sh

  5. Run the reporting API, either with ./gradlew :run from the src dir, or through your IDE e.g by opening src/build.gradle as a project in IntelliJ, which will display available gradle tasks in the UI. Follow the instructions for triggering a go signal. The API will now be available on your local machine at

Generate test data.

This is done automatically by ./dev/run-dependencies.sh above. To generate a test Orderly directory to develop against, run the :app:generateTestData gradle task (either from within your IDE or on the command line from within the project root directory with ./gradlew :app:generateTestData).

The above task will generate two Orderly directorys; one at ./src/app/demo and one at ./src/app/git. The latter contains an Orderly directory which is also a git repo, the former contains several different types of report. These are used for integration tests and for running locally.

Run tests

To run the tests,

  1. run ./dev/run-dependencies.sh from this directory
  2. run ./gradlew test from the src dir

You may have to run sudo chmod 766 /etc/montagu/reports_api/token_key/public_key.der or sudo chmod u+rw /etc/montagu/reports_api/token_key or similar to let the tests write to this file.

Regenerate database interface

cd src
# Make sure you have a fresh copy of the db
rm -r app/demo && rm rm -r app/git ./gradlew :app:generateTestData
# Generate the classes
./gradlew :generateDatabaseInterface

Docker build

The Teamcity build

  1. Pulls in artifacts demo and git from the Orderly container build.
  2. Runs ./scripts/make-build-env.sh which builds a Docker image containing the source code and dependencies.
  3. Runs ./scripts/build-app.sh which uses the above image, mounting the demo folder as a volume, to compile code, run tests (for this purpose also running an Orderly Server image with the git folder mounted as a volume) and build a Docker image containing the compiled app code.

To build the image locally you will have to replace step one with generating the demo folder in your project directory following instructions here: https://github.com/vimc/orderly/tree/master/docker

Docker run

To make use of a built image, run:

    docker pull docker.montagu.dide.ic.ac.uk:5000/montagu-reporting-api:master
    docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -v {PATH_TO_ORDERLY}:/orderly docker.montagu.dide.ic.ac.uk:5000/montagu-reporting-api:master

replacing {PATH_TO_OPRDERLY} with an absolute path to an Orderly directory.