Effective way to use an AVSpeechSynthesizer
<h2>Why MVSpeechSynthesizer?<h2> <p>1. Simple way to integrate the AVSpeechsynthesizer into your app.</p> <p>2. Instead of delgate method it provides block methods.</p> <p>3. Apart from simple usage it can auto detect the language of given string and read.</p> <p>4. It can higlight currently reading word.</p> <p>5. It also throw currently reading word</p> <p>6. It can auto scroll the page if once reached bottom of the text box.</p> <p>7. It can read all languages which is supported by AVSpeechSynthesizer</p> <p>8. It can list all supported langauages and their country name</p> <h2>MVSpeechSynthesizer</h2> <div>MVSpeechSynthesizer in action</div> <div><b>MVSpeechSynthesizer in action</b> - It shows highlight the text. <br> <br> <h2>Who need this?<h2> <p>1. Whoever developing kids reading books</p> <p>2. Whoever wants to read their EULA or privacy policy to their user</p> <p>3. Whoever developing apps with voice navigation</p> <p>4. Whoever wants to integrate reading functionality to thier app</p> <h2>Pod Installation</h2> <p>Add the following to your CocoaPods Podfile</p>pod 'MVSpeechSynthesizer'
<h2>Apps Using this control</h2>
<a href="">Secure Notes - Lock your important notes</a>
<p>Let me know if any other using this control(Just drop a mail)</p>
<h2>Future enhancement<h2>
<p>1. To read any webpage with highlighted text</p>
<p>2. Gives different voices(female and male)</p>
<h2>How to use this?</h2>
<p>For changing the language use <b>speechLanguage</b> object</p>
<p>For passing the read string use <b>speechString</b> object </p>
<p>For getting supported langauges call <b>supportedLanguages</b> function</p>
<p>for changing the string just copy some other string and paste on text box.</p>
<p>For choosing language just press language button you will navigate to the list of languages page their you can choose language</p>
<p>For enable and disable the highlight use <b>isHighlight</b> object</p>
<p>For changing speech voice <b>uRate</b> and <b>pitchMultiplier</b> objects</p>
<p>Just initialize the <b>MVSpeechsynthesizer</b> class and do the following steps,</p>
MVSpeechSynthesizer *mvSpeech=[MVSpeechSynthesizer sharedSyntheSize];//Initialize the class
mvSpeech.higlightColor=[UIColor yellowColor];//Higlght backgroundcolor
mvSpeech.isTextHiglight=YES;//If you want to highlight set yes, othgerwise set no.
mvSpeech.speechString=//Pass string which is need to read.
mvSpeech.inputView=_helpTextView;//Pass the input view which carries the string.
[mvSpeech startRead];//Initialize the read function.
mvSpeech.speechFinishBlock=^(AVSpeechSynthesizer *synthesizer, AVSpeechUtterance *utterence){
//It will call when read action finished.
<p>Let me know if any issues?</p>