Online image editor lets you create and edit images using HTML5 technologies. No need to buy, download, install, or have outdated flash. No ads. Key features: layers, filters, open source Photoshop alternative.
miniPaint operates directly in the browser. You can create images by pasting from the clipboard (ctrl+v) or uploading from the computer (using menu or drag & drop). Nothing will be sent to any server. Everything stays in your browser.
(generated using miniPaint)
Change log: /miniPaint/releases
Browser Support
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Opera
- Edge
- Safari
- Yandex
Files: open images, directories, URLs, data URLs, drag and drop, save (PNG, JPG, BMP, WEBP, animated GIF, TIFF, JSON (layers data), print.
Edit: undo, cut, copy, paste, selection, paste from the clipboard.
Image: information, EXIF, trim, zoom, resize (Hermite resample, default resize), rotate, flip, color corrections (brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, luminance), automatic color adjustment, grid, histogram, negative.
Layers: multi-layer system, differences, merging, flattening, transparency support.
Effects: black and white, blur (box, gaussian, stack, zoom), bulge/pinch, denoise, desaturation, dither, dot screen, edge, emboss, enrich, gamma, grains, grayscale, heatmap, jpg compression, mosaic, oil, sepia, sharpen, solarize, tilt shift, vignette, vibrance, vintage, blueprint, night vision, pencil, also instagram filters: 1977, aden, clarendon, gingham, inkwell, lo-fi, toaster, valencia, x-pro ii.
Tools: pencil, brush, magic wand, eraser, fill, color picker, letter, crop, blur, sharpener, desaturation, clone, borders, sprites, keypoints, color zoom, change color, restore transparency, content fill.
Help: keyboard shortcuts, translation.
To embed this app on another page, use the following HTML code:
<iframe style="width:100%; height:1000px;" id="miniPaint" src="" allow="camera"></iframe>
Build instructions
See Wiki
<a align="center" href=""> <img src="" /> </a>License
MIT License
Please use the GitHub issues for support, feature requests and bug reports, or contact us by sending an email to