

This plugin has moved to sr.ht and development will continue there

Complementree.nvim: a tree-sitter powered completion framework

A tree-sitter powered completion framework built for Neovim, configured with functions.

Features and design goals:


use {'https://git.sr.ht/~vigoux/complementree.nvim', requires = {'L3MON4D3/LuaSnip', 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter'} }

Setting up

complementree.nvim works using functions that are called based on the syntax tree of the file. An example configuration is the following:

local comp = require"complementree"
local s = require"complementree.defaults"

local lsp_completion = {
  default = s.lsp,
  string = s.ins_completion "C-F",
  comment = s.dummy

comp.setup {
  default = s.ins_completion "C-N",
  vim = s.ins_completion "C-V",
  c = lsp_completion,
  lua = lsp_completion,
  rust = lsp_completion

We define a set of sources that are triggered when calling the complementree.complete() function.

The defaults are:

After calling the setup function, you can trigger completion by calling complementree.complete().

Combining sources

You can combine the matches of sources using things called combinators.

There is a few combinators already existing, that take a matches function as input:

The currently implemented matches functions are:

All the _matches function take a table of options as parameters, dig into the sources file for more info about that.

Using combinators, you can complete using LSP + LuaSnip with the following:

local s = require"complementree.sources"
local cc = require"complementree.combinators"

lsp_and_luasnip = cc.combine(s.luasnip_matches {}, s.lsp_matches {})

Filtering and sorting results

There are two special types of combinators: filters and comparators.

They simply change the order and filter the completion results, and there are quite a bunch of them.



Query-based completion filters

In your setup calls, for a specific filetype completion, you can specify your completion filters based on queries. What this will do is use the query to determine whether the provided completion method should be triggered. For example, those are equivalent:

-- This
  comment = defaults.lsp

-- Is equivalent to that
  ["(comment) @c"] = defaults.lsp

-- And that
  ["(comment) @c"] = { c = defaults.lsp }

As a key, you can specify a table, and in this case, depending on what capture of the query the current cursor position matches, you will trigger the corresponding completion method.


A threading-macro-like function in also provided for convenience, which looks line combinators.pipeline(source, ...) and just applies all combinators in the ... one by one.


Fuzzy LSP:

combinators.pipeline(sources.lsp_matches {}, comparators.fzy, filters.amount(6))

Fuzzy LSP and LuaSnip only if LSP returns something:

combinators.pipeline(combinators.optional(source.lsp_matches {}, source.luasnip_matches {}), comparators.fzy, filters.amount(6))

Look in the defaults file for more.