

Phalcon Docker Nginx starter app

Docker image based on:


Docker. For installation instructions check https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/


How to use the helper script

Basic usage and demonstration

bash shell.bash local deploy

This will build the base image and run the container interactively. Check http://localhost:8888

Enter the container console

bash shell.bash local shell

If you want do daemonize

bash shell.bash local deploy daemon

This will build the base image and run the container daemonized. Check http://localhost:8888

Stop the container

bash shell.bash local stop

###Start the container

bash shell.bash local start

Plus: Remote deploy script

You can edit user@host configuration in shell.bash script and use the same syntax to do quick remote deploys. Make sure you SSH is in remote host authorized_keys file.

Remote deploy example

bash shell.bash remote deploy daemon

View remote logs

bash shell.bash remote logs